Chepsaita Youth Training Camp seek to nurture young athletes

Over 1,000 young athletes aged 13 to 19 will benefit from the training camp set to open on August 12.

In Summary

• Speaking during the official launch of the facility, the county governor Jonathan Bii said the aim is to keep the athletics talent production chain rolling.

• AK Central Rift branch chair Abraham Mutai, said the camp is located at a good altitude and thus favours athletes training.

Uasin Gishu governor Jonathan Bii flagging off young athletes during the launch of Chepsaita Youth Athletics Training Club in Turbo, Uasin Gishu County
Uasin Gishu governor Jonathan Bii flagging off young athletes during the launch of Chepsaita Youth Athletics Training Club in Turbo, Uasin Gishu County

In a bid to revive talent nurturing and maintaining the chain of athletes from the Rift Valley region, Uasin Gishu County has launched the Chepsaita Youth Athletics Training Camp.

The facility is expected to benefit over 1,000 young athletes aged 13 to 19 with training camp set to open on August 12.

The camp located at the Chepsaita Hills at Chepkemel Primary School will be open for use during the school holidays.

Speaking during the official launch of the facility, the county governor Jonathan Bii said the aim is to keep the athletics talent production line rolling.

"My government is working tirelessly to identify and nurture talent. This camp, therefore, is the best model. We shall be working together to ensure we grow talent right from the grassroots," said Bii adding that the camp will act as a breeding ground for scholarships. 

The camp chairman and founder, Stephen Kimaiyo, said: "This school, without much formal training, managed to produce world beaters. It is, for this reason, we decided to start this youth camp to produce more athletes that will be guided for success.”

Chepkemel Primary School produced former world steeplechaser Kenyan turned Bahrain Ruth Jebet, David Kiptoo Sing'oei, a retired 800m runner and Mike Too who ran the mile among others.

Athletics Kenya (AK)  Central Rift branch chair Abraham Mutai, said the camp is located at a good altitude and thus favours athletes training.

"This area has a good climate and altitude and conditions favour a good athletics training schedule. This camp will be beneficial to young athletes from the region," said Mutai.

Mutai added that AK will be monitoring the activities of the club, including training on the dangers of using performance-enhancing drugs.