Lucky Chebet snatches gold from Gidey few metres to finish line

Chebet capitalized on Ethiopian Letesenbet Gidey’s fall with victory just 20 metres away to run away with the crown.

In Summary

•Kenya’s Agnes Ngetich completed the top three places with bronze in 34:00 while Grace Nawowuna placed fourth to ensure the Team Kenya title in 34:13. 

•Chebet admitted that until 100 metres to the finish, she couldn’t think of winning a gold medal.

Beatrice Chebet after winning the women's 10km race
Beatrice Chebet after winning the women's 10km race

Commonwealth Games 5,000m champion Beatrice Chebet says her gold medal-winning feat in the women’s 10km race was purely an act of God.

“ I had resigned to the fact that I would settle for the second before the world opened before my eyes,” she noted. 

Chebet capitalized on Ethiopian Letesenbet Gidey’s fall with victory just 20 metres away to run away with the crown. She clocked 33:48 mins to take the crown ahead of Tsigie Gebreselama who also zoomed past a fallen counterpart to scoop silver. 

Kenya’s Agnes Ngetich completed the top three places with bronze in 34:00 while Grace Nawowuna placed fourth to ensure the Team Kenya title in 34:13. 

Chebet said she believes the gold was made for her because she was also included in Team Kenya at the last minute. “I fell sick and I didn’t make it at the trials. However, I thank Athletic Kenya for granting me this opportunity and I am happy I did not let them down,” she said.

Chebet admitted that until 100 metres to the finish, she couldn’t think of winning a gold medal. “I had resigned to silver as my best bet but the doors just swung open before my eyes and I am now the world cross-country champion! Thank God,” she said.

She said her focus now turns on Diamond League and World Cham,pionships

Nawowuna, who won the trials three months ago, said she felt pain in her right leg towards the finish and decided to relax. “I am happy with the results under the circumstances and I believe I will bounce back stronger,” she noted.

Ngetich was equally over the moon. “ It is my first time in the seniors and now see what God has done for me. This is huge for me," she noted. 

Ethiopian duo of Fotyen Tesfay (34:30) and Hawi Feysa(34.36) occupied fifth and sixth places while Kenya’s Prisca Chesang (34:42) and Edinah Jebitok (34:45) were eighth and ninth respectively.