Police team get boost as they promise to rule taekwondo

Assistant coach Stephen Odhiambo tipped his charges to lift the national title for the third consecutive year.

In Summary

•While receiving the donation on behalf of the team, Kenya Police Deputy Inspector General Douglas Kanja pledged to support the team to accomplish greater heights.

•Olympian, Faith Ogallo, who plies trade for the Kenya Police team in the local league expressed confidence that they will successfully defend their title this season.

Deputy Inspector of Police Douglas Kanja (L) with Police Sacco Chairman David Mategwa display part of the kit
Deputy Inspector of Police Douglas Kanja (L) with Police Sacco Chairman David Mategwa display part of the kit

Kenya Police taekwondo team received a kit worth Sh3 million from Police Sacco on Thursday morning at Vigilance House

While receiving the donation on behalf of the team, Kenya Police Deputy Inspector General, Douglas Kanja pledged to support the team to scale greater heights.

“My assurance is that I will continue to support you. I’m a great supporter of sports because I know all work without play makes Jack a dull boy. We need our officers to be active both in the office and the field,” Kanja said.

“I know we are the reigning champions. What we should remember is that getting to the top is easy but maintaining the position is the most challenging part.

Assistant coach Stephen Odhiambo tipped his charges to lift the national title for the third consecutive year.

“We have prepared well for the season and we are ready to assert authority again this year. Our main challengers are KDF and we have beaten them for the last two seasons. We intend to beat them again this season,” Odhiambo said.

“We thank the Sacco for making such a noble move. I’m sure it will act as a great incentive for the players as they seek to defend their title this year,” Odhiambo added.

Olympian, Faith Ogallo, who plies trade for the Kenya Police team in the local league, expressed confidence that they will successfully defend their title this season.

“We have done so well thus far and we sit pretty at the top of the league standings. This equipment is a shot in the arm for us as we seek to defend our title this season,” Ogallo said.

The National Police Service public relations officer Jared Ojuok said they will continue to plunge more resources into supporting the team.

“It’s important to mention that we were the first taekwondo club in the country and a lot has been achieved over the years. We are delighted in our performance and we are confident of attaining greater heights,” Ojuok said.  The event was attended by the Sacco chairman David Mategwa and other high-profile officers of the police force.