Beyond Zero Half Marathon bags Sh20m Coop Bank boost

A shot of the many participants of running in the second edition of the Beyond Zero half marathon.COURTESY
A shot of the many participants of running in the second edition of the Beyond Zero half marathon.COURTESY

The Beyond Zero Half Marathon set for this Saturday received a shot in the arm after Co-operative Bank of Kenya donated Sh20 million.

This latest contribution is the fourth in such donation by the bank, which brings their cumulative contribution to over Sh57 million contributed in the last five years.

The sponsorship has supported, among other needs, the purchase of three brand new fully-equipped mobile clinics which were donated to Narok, Nandi and Kirinyaga counties.

Since inception in January 2014, the project continues to play a key role in the elimination of preventable maternal and early childhood deaths as outlined in the Beyond Zero Campaign.

The success of Beyond Zero is well demonstrated by the progressive improvement in key maternal health indicators as well as HIV prevention and management. There has also been an increase in stakeholder participation and goodwill, all necessary for a healthy population.

While presenting the donation Co-operative Bank group managing director and CEO, Gideon Muriuki, commended First Lady Margaret Kenyatta for her passionate effort and desire to make a difference in people’s lives.

“Only a mother can fully understand the challenges our women go through every day as they struggle with maternal healthcare and the pain of losing children for things that can be avoided if we work together,” noted Muriuki.

“Our contribution will go to support child and maternal health especially at the grassroots where Kenyans need it the most. We appeal to other corporate institutions and Kenyans of goodwill to join hands with the First Lady and create a movement around wellness and the importance of healthy living.”

In addition to the cash contribution, the Co-operative Bank will send two teams to take part in the half marathon.