MWAMISI: British monarch wields sceptre in fight against global warming

King Charles III sets a compelling example of climate action for prominent figures and nations to follow.

In Summary
  • King Charles’ long-standing commitment to these issues lent weight to his message and his speech resonated with the global audience.
  • His involvement in climate change and environmental issues is likely to remain a central part of their public service.
City Shamba manager Greg Kimani with King Charles III during a tour of the urban farming project at Mama Lucy Kibaki Hospital on October 31, 2023.
SMART FARMING: City Shamba manager Greg Kimani with King Charles III during a tour of the urban farming project at Mama Lucy Kibaki Hospital on October 31, 2023.

In the world of politics and diplomacy, few figures command as much attention and respect as the British monarch. For centuries, the English monarchs have held a unique position as both the symbol of continuity and tradition and as a representative of the nation’s progress. In recent years, this role has taken on a new dimension as members of the British Royal Family have increasingly turned their attention to global issues, particularly climate change and environmental conservation.

In the most recent development, King Charles is on a visit to Kenya, hosted by President Ruto who himself is increasingly a climate champion. The King conveyed that he and President Ruto both share a profound affection for trees. He said that, while he has been planting trees for the majority of his life and believed he was making a positive contribution, President Ruto’s ambitious target of planting fifteen billion trees has caused him to reassess his own efforts.

King Charles III has been a tireless advocate for environmental sustainability and conservation. His commitment to these causes was exemplified when he created The Prince’s Trust, a charitable organisation that still supports various initiatives, including those related to climate and the environment.

Among other commitments, the King’s visit underscores his dedication to addressing global environmental challenges and his belief in the importance of international cooperation in the fight against climate change. During his visit, King Charles is engaging with Kenyan officials, environmental organisations and local communities to discuss strategies for protecting the environment and promoting sustainable practices. His presence in Kenya serves as a reminder of the global nature of climate change and the need for collaborative efforts to address this critical issue.

The British Royal Family has a long history of charitable and philanthropic endeavours, with the shift towards environmental causes gaining prominence in the late 20th century, with the younger generation of royals becoming vocal advocates of climate change action. This awakening within the Royal Family reflects the broader shift in public consciousness, as climate change evolved from a distant concern to a global crisis requiring immediate attention.

In 2007, Charles launched The Prince’s Rainforests Project, which aimed to raise awareness about the importance of rainforests in mitigating climate change and supporting biodiversity. The project worked with governments, businesses and NGOs to combat deforestation and promote sustainable land use. By leveraging his position and influence, Prince Charles brought global attention to the issue and encouraged numerous stakeholders to take action.

The Royal Family’s high visibility and international recognition make them influential advocates capable of reaching a global audience. Their endorsements and active participation in environmental projects help generate public awareness and inspire action.

The Royal Family’s engagement with environmental causes not only raises awareness but also promotes sustainable practices in various conservation, and responsible land management, the Royals encourage both public and private sectors to adopt environmentally friendly practices.

Moreover, their advocacy extends to their own actions in which the monarchy has made notable efforts to reduce its own environmental footprint. For instance, Buckingham Palace implemented measures to improve energy efficiency, reduce water consumption, and minimise waste. This demonstrates the Royal Family’s commitment to lead by example in embracing a more sustainable lifestyle.

Even before becoming King, Charles used his position as Prince to engage with heads of state, business leaders and environmental organisations to promote sustainable practices. His efforts have led to international partnerships and initiatives to combat climate change, protect forests and support sustainable agriculture.

In addition to their national influence, members of the Royal Family also play a diplomatic role in addressing climate change and environmental issues on the global stage. The British monarchy has connections with numerous world leaders and organisations, encouraging them to foster international cooperation and drive climate action.

In the United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP26, held in Glasgow in November 2021bringing together world leaders to discuss and implement measures to combat climate change, the British Royal Family played a central role. Queen Elizabeth I (deceased) addressed the conference, emphasising the importance of taking urgent action to address the climate crisis, and underling the need for collective responsibility and leadership to protect the planet for future generations. In the same conference, Charles, as a dedicated environmental advocate, delivered a powerful speech calling for transformative change to tackle climate change.

King Charles’ long-standing commitment to these issues lent weight to his message and his speech resonated with the global audience. His involvement in climate change and environmental issues is likely to remain a central part of their public service. As the world faces the increasing challenges posed by a changing climate, the Royal Family’s advocacy and action are needed more than ever.

The monarchy’s ability to leverage its international relationships and influence to foster global cooperation is invaluable, and this could be valuable to President Ruto and Africa’s climate change agenda as the King can boost international consensus and cooperation.

As the monarchy continues to evolve and adapt to the changing world, the focus on climate and the environment represents a relevant and pressing issue. The younger generation of royals, such as Prince William and Prince Harry, have also shown an interest in environmental matters, which indicates a continued commitment to these causes in the future.

With a vision to plant 15 billion trees, President Ruto’s reforestation efforts have garnered international attention and support. He has also played a pivotal role in advocating sustainable practices and renewable energy, demonstrating his determination to reduce carbon emissions and transition towards a greener future.

President Ruto’s leadership in the fight against climate change serves as an inspirational example for nations and individuals alike, highlighting the urgent need for action and environmental stewardship on a global scale. The English monarchy’s work on climate change and environmental action serves as an important example of how influential figures can contribute to global efforts to address climate change.


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