UX research: Secret weapon to meeting business expectations

Evolve or stagnate. The future belongs to those who listen to their users

In Summary

• Investing in UX research is not an expense, but rather an investment in the future. It's about understanding your users, anticipating their needs, and creating experiences that resonate deeply.

• This, in turn, translates to increased user engagement, higher conversion rates, and ultimately, sustainable profits.

UX illustration
UX illustration

Remember that recipe you used to love making?

The one that had guests singing your praises, begging for the recipe, and coming back for seconds?

But lately, your guests have not been as impressed. They politely pick at their plates, and the compliments have dwindled. Why?

Maybe your recipe needs a fresh spin, just like your business approach. Many companies fall into the trap of repeating the same User Experience (UX) strategies, expecting different results.

They invest in marketing and launch "new" features, but profits stubbornly plateau. The missing ingredient? Understanding their users!

Here's the truth; you cannot keep doing the same things and expect different results.

This is especially true in the ever-evolving landscape of UX, where user expectations and technological advancements are constantly reshaping the playing field.

Marathon XP UX researcher, Mutugi Kirema
Marathon XP UX researcher, Mutugi Kirema

Some of the reasons for this resistance to change include:

1. Fear of the unknown - Stepping outside the comfort zone of familiar processes can be daunting.

2. Lack of understanding - Many decision-makers underestimate the power of UX research and its impact on business success.

3. Short-term thinking - Focusing on immediate gains can overshadow the long-term benefits of investing in UX improvements.

4. Internal silos - Fragmented communication and collaboration between departments can hinder a holistic approach to UX.

UX research is the antidote to these challenges. So, what is UX research?

It’s the systematic study of users and their experiences with a product, service, or system. It delves into user needs, motivations, and behaviours to understand how they interact with and perceive your offering.

Think of it as uncovering the hidden story behind how users engage with your business.

By systematically understanding user needs, behaviours, and pain points, businesses can:

1. Make data-driven decisions - Move beyond guesswork and intuition, basing choices on concrete user insights.

2. Identify and solve real problems - Focus on issues that truly impact users, rather than chasing vanity metrics.

3. Create innovative solutions - Design products and services that resonate with users on an emotional level.

4. Build trust and loyalty - Foster positive user experiences that keep customers coming back.

Investing in UX research is not an expense, but rather an investment in the future. It's about understanding your users, anticipating their needs, and creating experiences that resonate deeply.

This, in turn, translates to increased user engagement, higher conversion rates, and ultimately, sustainable profits.

The choice is clear: evolve or stagnate. The future belongs to those who listen to their users!


Mutugi Kirema is a UX researcher at Marathon XP.

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