Is Valentine's Day a make or break for relationships? Kenyans share views

Some of the respondents who spoke to the Star say it is a day ushered with gifting

In Summary
  • Most respondents attested that Valentine's Day shouldn't be a deal breaker and that love should be celebrated every day through caring for each other.
  • "A couple more days to find out if you are the main or side guy either way premium tears loading," Mills Meeky tweeted.
Attractive flower to consider during Valentine's Day
Attractive flower to consider during Valentine's Day
Image: FILE

Valentine's Day will be celebrated on Wednesday and is a day many couples long for. A day most couples think of as a deal breaker to prove their love's worth to their partners.

Some of the respondents who spoke to the Star say it is a day ushered with gifting and also one has to spend money on different activities.

But does this day make or break a relationship?

Naomi Munyiva says the day shouldn't be a big deal.

"It shouldn't be a one-day thing and for example that one day your partner may be broke that should not be held against them despite other days that they are there for you," Munyiva says.

Most businesspeople say during Valentine's Day, any gift associated with this day comes at a higher price.

"It's just a commercialized day for people to make a profit where based on the industry you have to buy flowers and chocolates and love should be celebrated every day," Caro Maina said.

For Maina, Valentine's is just a normal day and she doesn't celebrate it.

"I like being unique, I celebrate Valentine during our anniversary, which is April 14," she says. 

Frank Sagini says Valentine's Day is special to him.

"I want to share with my partner and for that, I  post my partner on social media to appreciate them," he says.

Most respondents attested that Valentine's Day shouldn't be a deal breaker and that love should be celebrated every day through caring for each other.

"A couple more days to find out if you are the main or side guy either way premium tears loading," Mills Meeky tweeted.

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