Food cravings? No your body may just be dehydrated

Thirst is often confused with hunger or food cravings.

In Summary

•Our bodies are made up of 60 per cent water and our blood is made up of 90 per cent water.

•Drinking plenty of water has been linked to helping people lose weight.

We have been told several times, to drink at least a glass of water daily, for the proper functioning of our body system, however, many of us are not fully aware of the benefits of the simple act.

Staying hydrated is crucial for our health and well-being. Our bodies are made up of 60 per cent water and our blood is made up of 90 per cent water.

  1. Water boosts skin health and  beauty

Drinking very little water can cause your body to be dehydrated. 

This dehydration may also cause your skin to be vulnerable to skin disorders, dryness, and even premature aging.

  1. Water is good for digestion

For your bowel to work properly, it needs water. Not drinking water causes dehydration which can lead to digestive problems, constipation, and high acidity, and heart burns.

Constipation is defined as difficulty emptying the bowels due to hardened stool, and it is a common problem among young and older adults.

  1. It may help prevent and ease headaches

Having those continuous migraines throughout the day can be so annoying.

But the problem might be right in front of your eyes.

The blood which is made up of 90 per cent water helps carry oxygen through various parts of the body including your brain. Drinking water can help ease the pain.

  1. It is good for weight loss

Drinking plenty of water has been linked to helping people lose weight.

This is because water can increase satiety (feeling full) and boost one's metabolic rate.

Some research suggests that increasing water intake can promote weight loss by increasing your metabolism, which then increases the number of calories you burn daily.

Thirst is often confused with hunger or food cravings. If you feel a sudden urge for a specific food, try drinking a large glass of water and wait a few minutes.

You may find that the craving fades away because your body was just thirsty.

  1. It helps maintain blood pressure

Experts note that a lack of enough water in the body may cause blood to thicken. This may increase blood pressure. When it comes to blood pressure, no other beverage beats it.

  1. It is good for your kidneys

Dehydration can lead to kidney failure and kidney stones, which are life-threatening conditions.

Water is, however, essential for proper kidney function by helping it remove wastes and toxins from the blood in form of urine.

Regular and consistent water intake may help keep your kidneys in check.

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