Men, just like women, go through the same emotional fluidity

Difference is that women are more comfortable expressing their emotions than men.

In Summary

• The difference is that women are more comfortable expressing their emotions than men.

• Achieving good mental health is necessary for a child sigh self-esteem and a healthy emotional outlook on life.

The difference is that women are more comfortable expressing their emotions than men.
The difference is that women are more comfortable expressing their emotions than men.

According to a recent study by researchers from the University of Michigan, women and men ride the same emotional roller-coaster.

The researchers dispelled the biases that feelings of enthusiasm, nervousness or strength are often interpreted differently between the two genders that what being “emotional” means to men vs women that really makes the difference.

According to a Nairobi-based Consultant and Psychologist, the difference is that women are more comfortable expressing their emotions than men.

“I believe that both men and women experience the highs and lows of emotions. Over generations, men have been socialised not to express some emotions like sadness or crying. As it is, unfortunately, it is seen as a sign of weakness,” Dr Hamida Ahmed, Founder Tulivu Psychological Counselling and Wellness Services told the Star during an interview on Tuesday.

“When women express anger, for example, that is seen as them being rude, disrespectful, and to some extent crazy. Some people perceive it as not ladylike,” she said.

“It's quite okay for us to express our emotions as long as, it is done in a healthy way.”


Dr Ahmed noted that it is important for parents to educate their children about different emotions.

“For example, ask your child, what emotion he or she is feeling if something happens, and tell them it’s okay to feel that emotion and tell them how to deal with it,” she said

The psychologist said that kind of emotional guidance goes a long way in achieving good mental health and a healthy emotional outlook on life.

“Women go through different experiences that affect their emotions e.g. having their periods, pregnancy, giving birth, menopause among others.  All these affect their hormones and may have an impact on their emotions,” she said.

“With self-awareness and seeking professional help, women and men can navigate these experiences in a healthy way,” Dr Ahmed added.

She said there is a dire need for people to be more in touch and educate themselves about their emotions.

“If you feel overwhelmed or lost, reach out to professionals to support you. They can be able to assess and guide you on the way forward,” She said.

Emotions are just emotions, how you express them makes the whole difference.

Ask yourself, what I'm I feeling? Why I'm I feeling like this? What is the trigger? How do I deal with it in a healthy way?

Edited by D Tarus

The difference is that women are more comfortable expressing their emotions than men.
The difference is that women are more comfortable expressing their emotions than men.
The difference is that women are more comfortable expressing their emotions than men.
The difference is that women are more comfortable expressing their emotions than men.
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