Preparing delicious orange cake

Orange cake is a cake flavored with grated orange rids and orange juice.

In Summary
  • Cakes are commonly used as daily snacks and they come in many flavors like chocolate, orange, blueberry and vanilla.
  • Pour into a greased cake tin and bake in a preheated oven for 40 minutes. When ready allow to cool it on a rack.
Orange cake garnished with orange August 10 203
Orange cake garnished with orange August 10 203

Cakes are commonly used as snacks. They come in many flavours like chocolate, orange, blueberry and vanilla.

Today let us try a soft, fresh, and yummy orange cake.

Orange cake is a cake flavoured with grated orange rids and orange juice.

To make your orange cake, you are required to have the following ingredients.


  • 200 grams of flour
  • 100 grams margarine
  • 100 grams of sugar
  • Milk
  • Two eggs
  • Grated orange rids
  • Orange juice
  • Baking powder


Step 1

Preheat the oven and line the baking tin, then sieve the flour and baking powder.

Cream the margarine and sugar together using a wooden spoon until fluffy.

Step 2

Break each egg separately and beat well. Add gradually the beaten eggs and orange juice.

Add the flour to the creamed mixture gradually, folding in using a metal spoon, alternating with milk until a dropping consistency smooth mixture is obtained.

Step 3

Pour into a greased cake tin and bake in a preheated oven for 40 minutes When ready allow to cool it on a rack.

Step 4

Cut the cake and serve on a side plate then enjoy your orange cake.

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