Families with shared mealtimes have less stress - Study

Some families have dropped the idea of a shared mealtime, which has slowly affected their relationships.

In Summary

•The survey found that 67 per cent of people said sharing a meal reminded them of the importance of connecting with other people, and 54 per cent said it reminded them to slow down and take a break.

•The overall objective of World Mental Health Day is to raise awareness of mental health issues around the world and to mobilize efforts in support of mental health.

A family sharing a meal
A family sharing a meal
Image: mindbodygreen

Growing up in a family that saw it best to sit down together and enjoy a meal was highly underrated.

But in today's, some families have dropped the idea of a shared mealtime, which has slowly affected their relationships.

A new study conducted by the American Heart Association reveals regular mealtime with others could be a simple solution to help manage stress.

Chronic, constant stress can increase the lifetime risk of heart disease and stroke. Researchers found out that those who shared a meal more often with loved ones, and nearly all parents reported lower levels of stress in their family when they regularly connect over a meal.

"Sharing meals with others is a great way to reduce stress, boost self-esteem and improve social connection, particularly for kids," Erin Michos, a study's co-author said.

“Connecting with friends, family, co-workers, and neighbors helps to relieve stress. People must come up with ways to bring people together and stay away from their phones.”

The survey found that 67 per cent of people said sharing a meal reminded them of the importance of connecting with other people, and 54 per cent said it reminded them to slow down and take a break.

Those surveyed said they are also more likely to make healthier food choices when eating with other people but have difficulty aligning schedules with their friends or family to do so.

"We know it's not always as easy as it sounds but permits yourself sometimes. Like other healthy habits, permit yourself to start small and build, from there," Michos said.

"Set a goal or routine to gather friends, family, or co-workers for one more meal together each week. If you can get her in person, think about how you can share a meal over the phone or a computer."

Nearly 7 in 10 (69 per cent) of survey respondents who were employed either full or part-time said they would feel less stressed at work if they had more time to take a break and share a meal with a co-worker.

In celebrating World Mental Health day, let us create time to share meals with our family members, friends, and co-workers, for healthy relationships.

October 10 is World Mental Health Day.

The overall objective of World Mental Health Day is to raise awareness of mental health issues around the world and to mobilize efforts in support of mental health.

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