Senator Crystal Asige makes genre transition in new mixtape

According to Asige, this was highly informed by the need to reach more young people.

In Summary

• Asige previously specialised in genres like chakacha, rhumba, and Coastal vibes.

• Aside from music, she has continued to champion the rights of people living with disabilities and Kenyan artists.

Nominated Senator and singer Crystal Asige
Nominated Senator and singer Crystal Asige

Singer and songwriter Crystal Asige has finally released her much-awaited mixtape dubbed "Blinding Allure".

The mixtape saw the singer who is also a nominated Senator get out of her comfort to try out new styles of music.

According to Asige, this was highly informed by the need to reach more young people whom she gets to interact with daily as a legislator representing them.

"Blinding Allure is more than just a mixtape. It's a melodic journey that serves as an homage to Kenya’s diverse youth whom I have the pleasure of interacting with daily through my work as a Senator. When I lost control and everything around me started to disappear, my voice remained. Glaucoma has made me understand my ability to, and the importance of, standing alone.

"This mixtape is about recognising the power of self-worth, the limitless potential of us all once we decide to stop hiding who we are, and create our path in the world," she said.

The Senator attributes each of the six songs as a testament to her artistic evolution.

They include; Blinding allure, Slow burn, Love is, Different, Young King and Ego-system.

In the mixtape, Asige showcases her ability to seamlessly blend genres and push the boundaries of creative expression.

The mixtape has a diverse range of genres including hip-hop, trap, R&B, and jazz music.

Asige previously specialised in genres like chakacha, rhumba, and Coastal vibes.

The award-winning Asige was nominated to the Senate in September last year, under the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party.

While many thought this would mark the end of her music journey, Asige has outrightly proven many wrongs.

Aside from music, she has continued to champion the rights of people living with disabilities and Kenyan artists.

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