How to practice self-love in five ways

It unlocks self-acceptance, self-awareness, self-forgiveness and self-esteem.

In Summary

• Loving yourself is important because it is a determinant on the reflection of how you will extend love towards others.

• Forbes health magazine highlights that self-love can be demonstrated through not settling for less than you deserve,prioritizing your own needs,trusting yourself, valuing your worth and refraining from self-judgement.

A happy woman
SELF LOVE A happy woman

Self-love is basically refers to the regard for one's own well-being and happiness.

Loving yourself is important because it is a determinant of the reflection of how you will extend love towards others.

We tend to treat others we love based on how we love ourselves.

Self-love unlocks self-acceptance, self-awareness,self-forgiveness and self-esteem.

Forbes health magazine highlights that self-love can be demonstrated through not settling for less than you deserve, prioritizing your own needs, trusting yourself, valuing your worth and refraining from self-judgement.

Other forms of self-love include;

1. Daily affirmations

Speaking life and love to yourself every day is essential in practising self-love.

Telling yourself, "I am strong, confident, beautiful, capable," goes a long way in practising self-love.

Listening to podcasts or reading articles with positive messages is also a stepping stone to getting daily affirmations.

2. Taking care of your body

This is an essential form of self-love. Taking good care of your body by eating the right food through maintaining a healthy diet is essential.

Daily exercise is also important in taking care of your body. It gives you confidence and also affects your mental well-being.

3. Setting healthy boundaries

This is important in practising self-love. Boundaries are very important since you cannot have access to everything or anyone.

Saying no when part of your boundaries has been stepped on is an essential part of loving yourself.

4. Treating yourself with kindness and respect

Occasionally, life throws situations at us that requires us to express self-respect. This is key in maintaining and accepting standards that we are comfortable with.

Being kind to yourself especially when you fall down and make mistakes is a way of practising self-love.

5. Forgiving yourself

This is a process that is easier said than done. However, learning to forgive yourself is a huge part of loving yourself.

Being aware that you are a human being capable of making mistakes should be one way of forgiving yourself when things go wrong.

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