Find out the best time to drink water to achieve maximum benefit for your body.
Our bodies are made up of 70% water, and there is no doubt that water is essential to our health.
From promoting a normal function of our body organs.
Timing is very important when drinking water.
Start your day with a glass
Kick start your morning with a glass of water before you run for the coffee or mandazi.
There is no evidence to suggest that drinking water in the morning is particularly beneficial, but imagine your body has gone for 8-hour water fast while you were sleeping.
Some studies also suggest that drinking a glass of water with a squeeze of lemon after waking up, helps activate your internal organs.
Water helps to remove any toxins before your first meal of the day.
Drink water before a hot shower
Drinking a glass of warm water before a bath helps to lower blood pressure by warming your body from the inside.
A glass of room temperature water is also okay.
Drink water before a meal
Experts suggest drinking water before a meal can help one lose weight because it enhances the feeling of fullness and may decrease intake during the meal.
When drinking alcohol
Experts recommend drinking a few glasses of water, before, during, and after drinking alcohol.
This technique helps counter the effects of dehydration that alcohol has that can leave you with a crazy headache.
If you are about to have a heavy session, it is also a good idea to have a healthy meal before you start drinking.
Additionally, consuming some food between drinks will help to slow down the absorption of alcohol.
When you are tired during work
Your hydration state directly affects your mood, memory, and visual perception, the British Journal of Nutrition reports.
If you are feeling tired at work, gulp down a glass of water instead of coffee.
If you are having a headache.
Sometimes, headaches are triggered because of dehydration. If you feel a headache, a glass can save your day.
Before going to bed
Be sure to drink water an hour before bed, not minutes, to avoid interruptions at night when you are sleeping.
Before and after a workout
Research suggests that when you work out, you lose water and electrolytes through sweat.
Drinking plenty of water before and after exercising is important to keep your body hydrated and help replenish any lost fluids.
Instead of drowning yourself in water, be sure to space out your intake during the day to stay hydrated.
Try setting a timer at regular intervals, and take your time when drinking it, it is not a marathon.
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