Safety measures necessary to avert tragedy during rains

Country witnesses cases of flooding, most of which would be prevented by unblocking drainages

In Summary

• Cities should clear drainages to allow water t flow away from the streets. 

• We also need disaster preparedness mechanisms that can quickly come into action in case of any eventuality 

Temporary bridge at Kodada market on September 27
PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES: Temporary bridge at Kodada market on September 27

The country has always had tragedies with the rains. Cases of flash floods washing away homesteads, vehicles and animals have been witnessed in the past.

This results mainly from blockage of drainage systems. But Kenyans seem to forget this and engage in activities that endanger them during this season.  We need disaster preparedness mechanisms that can quickly come into action in case of any eventuality.

Life is more precious than anything else. Let’s be wary of the weather patterns. We have to stay safe in order to be productive.


Writer and blogger 

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