Two-state solution is only way forward

In Summary

• Spain, Ireland and Norway have said that they will recognise the state of Palestine on May 28

• 143 UN member states have already recognised the Palestinian state

The only way to break the cycle of violence is the two-state solution.
MIDDLE EAST CONFLICT: The only way to break the cycle of violence is the two-state solution.
Image: FILE

This week Spain, Ireland and Norway said that they would recognise Palestine as a state. Belgium and Slovenia have indicated that they are ready to recognise Palestine while Sweden did so 10 years ago. It looks like Europe is about to join the 143 UN member states who have already recognised the Palestinian state. 

This is not what Israel wanted after the vicious October 7 attack by Hamas and indeed the immediate reaction  of Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu was this was rewarding terrorism.

In truth, Israel's disproportionate attack on Gaza has forced nations to reconsider their unqualified support for Israel. If Israel had merely assassinated the Hamas leadership,  the world would  have turned a blind eye. But blowing up 60 percent of the buildings in Gaza and killing 35,000 Palestinians was too much.

The only way to  break the cycle of violence is the two-state solution, the very thing that Netanyahu has fought against all his political career. His warmongering and the Gaza invasion has had the opposite effect to that intended.

Neither Hamas nor the Israeli right-wing want the two-state solution but it is now the only way forward.

Quote of the day: "Great events make me quiet and calm; it is only trifles that irritate my nerves."

Queen Victoria
The UK monarch and Empress of India was born on  May 24, 1819

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