Rivals need to choose single Raila successor

ODM/Azimio leaders must unite around a single presidential candidate in 2027.

In Summary

• Raila Odinga may not stand for president in 2027 if he becomes AU chairperson

• Kenya needs  large political groupings if is to have an effective opposition and accountable government

There is a high probability that Raila Odinga will become chairperson of the African Union Commission. This has caused a power struggle in ODM/Azimio as various political leaders stake their claim to be the presidential candidate in 2027.

There are many worthy contenders to lead ODM/Azimio  although Raila has left big shoes to fill. Kalonzo Musyoka, Wycliffe Oparanya, Eugene Wamalwa, and Hassan Joho are the present front-runners although they are all, to some extent, regional bosses - none of them has, as yet, truly national stature.

But Kenya needs big national groupings. If it just has fragmented regional political parties that coalesce only for elections, then the country is doomed to continue with the politics of sharing the cake rather than building the nation.

It is  not guaranteed that Raila will get the AU job - the campaign will be highly competitive but he is uniquely qualified so Azimio needs to get prepared.

There are big egos involved. None of the present front-runners will find it easy to support one of their rivals. But unless they do, they will be nothing  more than bit players in local politics.

Quote of the day: "Not only is the Universe stranger than we think, it is stranger than we can think."

Werner Heisenberg
The German physicist described his uncertainty principle for the first time on February 23, 1927

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