Douse flames of the Israel-Palestinian conflict

In Summary
  • If violence and counter-violence were a solution, the conflict would have been the subject of history books a long time ago.
  • Bloodthirsty terrorists must be condemned but it is time Israel accepted that Palestine as a nation is there to stay.

The attack orchestrated by Hamas on Israel must, no doubt, be condemned and severely castigated.

The terrorist attack, which left hundreds of Israelis dead and some kidnapped, is reprehensible and has no place in a civilised world.

Israel, and they have a right to self-defence and self-determination, have chosen to hit back in an equally ruthless style. 

The bad blood between Israelis and their Palestinian neighbours is a long-drawn dispute that always sucks in nations and people around the world depending on their religious persuasion.

That is why every nation and leader must move with caution and be clear about whether their views and opinions add fuel to the fire or calm emotions and appeal to the wisdom of the warring parties to gun for peace.

Kenya has been the victim of such attacks in the past and our leaders will be aware of the dangers we might face by egging on one party against the other.

The people of Israel and their leaders have been on this path before and they probably will in the days to come. They know that violence begets violence.

If violence and counter-violence were a solution, the conflict would have been the subject of history books a long time ago.

Bloodthirsty terrorists must be condemned but it is time Israel accepted that Palestine as a nation is there to stay.

Quote of the Day: “Oh Lord, may I be directed what to do and what to leave undone.”

Elizabeth Fry     

The English prison reformer, social reformer and Quaker Minister died on October 12, 1845

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