Commission of Enquiry needed for 2022 election

In Summary

• The outgoing IEBC commissioners have called for an independent commission of enquiry into the 2022 elections

• There have been allegations of both state interference and IEBC favouritism in the conduct of the 2022 election

Outgoing IEBC commissioners Boya Molu, IEBC chairman, Wafula Chebukati and Abdi Guliye during the launch of the Post Election Evaluation Report for the August 9, 2022 General Election at Bomas of Kenya on January 16, 2023
Outgoing IEBC commissioners Boya Molu, IEBC chairman, Wafula Chebukati and Abdi Guliye during the launch of the Post Election Evaluation Report for the August 9, 2022 General Election at Bomas of Kenya on January 16, 2023
Image: IEBC

The outgoing IEBC chairman, Wafula Chebukati, has called for a commission of enquiry into the 2022 presidential election.

He alleged that the state tried to interfere with the results but there have also been claims the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission favoured the winner, William Ruto.

Opposition leader Raila Odinga is still claiming he won the 2022 election as well as the 2013 and 2017 elections (although he almost certainly won the 2007 election).

It is time these allegations of election manipulation were laid to rest and that the truth of what happened in 2022 is agreed by all. Definitely President Ruto should establish a commission of enquiry.

However, it is vital that this commission should be neutral and independent so that every Kenyan accepts its findings as impartial. It must not be perceived as a witch-hunt.

Government should look for an eminent International chairman, like Justice Johann Kriegler, who examined the 2007 election, as well as identifying respected Kenyans to become commissioners.

The 2022 Commission of Enquiry should also look into the 2013 and 2017 elections as they were also bedevilled by allegations of wrongdoing and by Supreme Court challenges.

Quote of the day: “A hungry dog believes in nothing but meat.”

Anton Chekhov
The Cherry Orchard by the Russian playwright received its premiere on January 17, 1904

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