EALA more than consolation prize

In Summary

• Political parties are nominating individuals to Parliament to become East African MPs

• Various dynasty relatives have been in contention

Big names eyeing EALA job
Big names eyeing EALA job

The East African Legislative Assembly is not a consolation prize. It is a very important forum to debate how East African integration can be improved and enhanced.

It is therefore good that Kanu party leader Gideon Moi has pulled out of the race to be nominated by Parliament to be an MP at EALA. Gideon lost the August election to become Baringo senator so it appears that EALA was a second-best option that he may not have given the attention that it deserved.

Similarly is it right that two Odinga relatives and Kalonzo's son are on the nomination lists to become East African MPs? It looks like political parties are just rewarding allies and election losers rather than demonstrating wholehearted commitment to East African unity.

President Ruto has declared that he supports greater East African integration. He should now ensure that Kenya sends its best people to represent it in Arusha, not just political leftovers.

In future, the nine East African MPs should be chosen competitively. An East African MP should represent each region and should appear on the ballot paper in the presidential elections. That way voters could choose the best candidate for the job.

Quote of the day: "Peace if possible, truth at all costs."

Martin Luther
The German religious reformer was born on 10 November, 1483

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