Sakaja: From youthful hope to object of mockery

In Summary
  • Sakaja epitomises the deluded world in which our self-indulgent politicians live.
  • They are so blind, drunk with power, they believe they can wriggle out of any situation.
UDA Nairobi governor nominee Johnson Sakaja at Milimani law courts during the IEBC Dispute Resolution Committee hearing of the challenge to the decision by the IEBC to clear him run, June 15.
UDA Nairobi governor nominee Johnson Sakaja at Milimani law courts during the IEBC Dispute Resolution Committee hearing of the challenge to the decision by the IEBC to clear him run, June 15.

From a beacon of youthful hope and real ambition to a motif of derision, Senator Johnson Sakaja's world of make-believe has dashed the hopes of millions whose trust he has crushed with dense recklessness.

This is a man born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He has exposed himself as a thoughtless fraud. He has squandered trust.

A young man on whom President Kenyatta bestowed greatness (chairman of TNA in 2013 at age 29) when millions of his age mates grappled with joblessness.

His smooth and easy ride to the Senate made on the back of Kenyatta's Jubilee gave way to only empty braggadocio – the foolish lie about the actuarial science degree that existed only in his wicked imagination.

A more serious young man would, naturally, have employed his energies on a pressing national course. 

Instead of living by example, the city superman would have no sense of guilt boozing long past the curfew hour when millions of the people he represented were losing their lives and jobs to Covid-19.

When faced with arrest, he would resort to threats and name-dropping.

Sakaja epitomises the deluded world in which our self-indulgent politicians live. They are so blind, drunk with power, they believe they can wriggle out of any situation.

In a country in which graft infests every pore of our body politic, the Sakajas of this world believe money and influence are the be all and end all of their lives.

An otherwise intelligent young man allowing himself to be corrupted by power. He must now do the simple task of reaching into his box of papers and hand the CUE proof.

Blaming President Kenyatta is not an option.

Quote of the Day: “Experience teaches you that the man who looks you straight in the eye, particularly if he adds a firm handshake, is hiding something.”

Clifton Fadiman

The American author died on June 20, 1999

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