Joy and pain of working from home

The hardest part is taking stock of life. Life lived and yet to be lived.

In Summary
  • And sitting with your demons, trying to figure out what lessons you are not learning.
  • The best part though has to be the time spent with the kids. When they are not fighting over imaginary inheritance from their father.

Social distancing has come with a lot of lessons and new normals. For one we can literally work from our beds. As in, lying down, inside the bedding, teeth not brushed, questionable sleeping clothes and breath that can kill a small goat. But still be very productive.

I wonder what my mother Mary, God rest her beautiful soul, would say about this. I grew up in a time where we always had to be bathed and dressed by 6am, and moving up and about. Looking busy was deemed as doing something useful. Sitting was a sign of laziness. Now we are lying in bed in the daytime, and you were not sick or pregnant? It would set my mother all the way off. Yet now we write serious emails, life-altering ones I tell you, to even more serious individuals in our underwear as we try to stuff a whole mandazi in our mouths. How the cookie crumbles!

Speaking of cookies, who thought you had the capacity to eat and drink so much? I am beginning to think alcohol in itself does not make us drunk, you need people. Because now two bottles of wine down and you can still hold a decent conversation with the guy on the telly and it is not even noon.


I woke up last Sunday and I cannot begin to describe how peaceful the morning was. And then it dawned on me, that the gospel can be spread in silence. I have never understood the connection between noise levels and the potency of the good news. It was good to see many a servant of the gospel leverage technology. A few complained tithes and offerings were at an all-time low, I would advise them to read a certain book on cheese and where it moved to.

What about the lost loves who text out of nowhere. “Aki I have really missed you!” Not bothering to find out if that is still your number or whether you joined a convent. “If I was next to you, the things I would do to you!” Did I become a lesbian? I know you have suddenly found extra time, but shouldn’t you focus on that woman in your house that you cannot distance from, socially or otherwise.

I woke up last Sunday and I cannot begin to describe how peaceful the morning was. And then it dawned on me, that the gospel can be spread in silence. I have never understood the connection between noise levels and the potency of the good news. It was good to see many a servant of the gospel leverage technology. A few complained tithes and offerings were at an all-time low, I would advise them to read a certain book on cheese and where it moved to.

This goes to those soliciting unbecoming pictures too. You have the real thing next to you. Who knew social distancing would bring out freaks in seemingly mild-mannered men?

Also, it has become so clear that he is just not into you. His phone is next to him but he will still not call or text you. This is the time to accept and move on. He was never busy.

The best part though has to be the time spent with the kids. When they are not fighting over imaginary inheritance from their father. I wish someone could tell me how children always find something to fight about. When they are not fighting, they are actually interesting little beings. Their outlook towards life is so honest and fresh. Though I would not advise taking the verse of we should all be like little children literally.

The hardest part is taking stock of life. Life lived and yet to be lived. Will we get a chance to live? And sitting with your demons, trying to figure out what lessons you are not learning. Not being able to escape your problems with nowhere to go. And time. Time to think about the suffering. I read somewhere that there will always be suffering. We cannot control that. What we can control is our own sovereignty.

In this time of fear, take charge of what is in your power. Make good decisions knowing society expects your cooperation. Make plans, dream, get ready for the next phase, for one thing is certain, this too shall pass.


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