Colorado can't ban Trump from ballot - US Supreme Court rules

And it all but ends efforts in other states to ban him from ballots.

In Summary
  • Colorado barred Mr Trump from the state's ballot in December, citing an insurrection clause of the Constitution and arguing the former president incited the 2021 Capitol riot.
  • But the court's decision clears the way for Mr Trump to compete in the primary.
Image: FILE

The US Supreme Court has ruled that Colorado cannot disqualify Donald Trump from its Republican presidential primary.

Colorado barred Mr Trump from the state's ballot in December, citing an insurrection clause of the Constitution and arguing the former president incited the 2021 Capitol riot.

The court ruled that Congress, rather than the states, have that power.

The unanimous ruling clears the way for Mr Trump to compete in the primary.

Mr Trump immediately claimed victory following the ruling, taking to his Truth Social media platform to claim a "big win for America".

It all but ends efforts in other states to ban him from ballots.

Two other states, Maine and Illinois , followed Colorado in kicking Mr Trump off the ballot on similar ground.

The efforts in both states were put on hold while his challenge to the Colorado ruling was escalated to the Supreme Court.

"We conclude that states may disqualify persons holding or attempting to hold state office," the court's opinion says. "But states have no power under the Constitution to enforce Sections 3 with respect to federal offices, especially the presidency."

The nine justices ruled that only Congress can enforce the 14th Amendment's provisions against federal officials and candidates.

Mr Trump is the front-runner for the Republican nomination and looks likely to face a rematch with Democratic President Joe Biden in November's general election.

Colorado, along with 14 other states, will vote on Tuesday in a marathon contest dubbed Super Tuesday.

The former president is widely expected to sweep the board and defeat his sole remaining opponent, former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley, in every battleground.

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