UDA brokers deal among warring Mombasa leaders

Malala said the issues raised by the leaders from Mombasa shall be addressed when President Ruto tours the region

In Summary

•They have recently held parallel grassroots mobilisation initiatives that have seen their supporter clash.

•On his part, Ali said the region is ready to receive the president during his working tour of the county over the weekend.

UDA Secretary General, Cleophas Malala during the coast delegates press conference at UDA offices on July 25, 2023.
UDA Secretary General, Cleophas Malala during the coast delegates press conference at UDA offices on July 25, 2023.

The United Democratic Alliance (UDA) leadership has on Tuesday brokered a truce between warring party factions in Mombasa.

Party Secretary General Cleophas Malala held a closed door meeting with UDA grassroots leaders from the county at the Hustler Centre where he announced the ceasefire.

Malala said the issues raised by the leaders from Mombasa shall be addressed when President Ruto tours the region from Saturday.

"We have agreed that we are ready to receive the president in Mombasa," Malala announced after a meeting with the two factions.

Two factions allied to Nyali MP Mohamed Ali and East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) member Hassan Omar have been fighting for the control of UDA in Mombasa.

They have recently held parallel grassroots mobilisation initiatives that have seen their supporters clash.

"We have listened to all the parties and we want to tell the people of the coast that the issues they have raised will be addressed going forward," Malala affirmed.

On his part, Ali said the region is ready to receive the president during his working tour of the county over the weekend.

''We want to urge our people to come out in large numbers and receive the President,' Ali said.

He insisted there are no factions and that UDA remains united in Mombasa as the ruling party.

''UDA is a structured party with solid leadership, we are ready for the president," he said.

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