Football match turns tragic as Kakuma refugee stabbed to death in fight

A group of youth were playing football at the camp when they disagreed.

In Summary
  • According to police, the group disagreed and engaged each other in the fracas with stones and twigs flying.
  • It was then that one Maah Kim Lat, 22 who is a refugee and a resident of Kakuma Four refugee camp was stabbed in the abdomen.
Crime scene
MURDER PROBE: Crime scene

Detectives are investigating an incident in which a South Sudanese refugee was stabbed and killed in a fight at the Kakuma refugee camp, Turkana County.

This happened during a football match between a group of Nuer youth who are refugees there, police said.

Police said the incident happened on May 17.

This has prompted officials to review various security measures at the facility.

According to police, the group disagreed and engaged each other in the fracas with stones and twigs flying.

It was then that one Maah Kim Lat, 22 who is a refugee and a resident of Kakuma Four refugee camp was stabbed in the abdomen.

Police said he was rushed to Clinic Seven Hospital, where he succumbed to injuries while undergoing treatment.

No arrest has been made but police said they are investigating the matter.

Police said they are making several security arrangements to ensure the safety of refugees there.

This follows a series of fatal incidents being reported at the camp.

They include revenge attacks where even guns have been used in Kakuma Refugee Camp and the Kalobeyei Integrated Settlement.

Kakuma Camp is divided into four areas: Kakuma 1, 2, 3 and 4 whilst the Kalobeyei Integrated Settlement comprises of three villages.

Kakuma Refugee Camp is located in Turkana County and was established in 1992 following the arrival of the “Lost Boys of Sudan”.

Various agencies support the camp in many ways.

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