Waititu: Forgive me for misleading Mt Kenya people to vote UDA

He urged the people of Mt Kenya to unite and support one of their own.

In Summary
  • He said that in the next election, the Mt Kenya region will field its candidate.
  • "By doing so, the respect of Mt Kenya will restored," the former governor said.
Former Kiambu governor Ferdinand Waititu during the Limuru III conference on May 17, 2024
Former Kiambu governor Ferdinand Waititu during the Limuru III conference on May 17, 2024

Former Kiambu governor Ferdinand Waititu has requested the people of Mt Kenya to forgive him over what he termed was misleading them to vote for UDA.

"I left the UDA party and I never joined Azimio. I'm partyless now but I'm where the people of Mt Kenya are," he said.

"I would like to seek forgiveness for misleading the community but in the next election, we will speak in one voice."

He spoke during the Limuru III conference.

The former governor urged the people of Mt Kenya to unite and support one of their own.

He said that in the next election, the Mt Kenya region will field its candidate.

"By doing so, the respect of Mt Kenya will restored," the former governor said.

He noted that the interest of Mt Kenya can't be represented by an outsider

Waititu further petitioned Mt Kenya leaders to support the proposal for one man, one vote and one shilling.

"Uhuru meant well by bringing BBI but we let him down, this time round, we must support our candidate whether a lady or a gentleman," Waititu said

On his part, Embakasi West MP Mark Mwenje said that the people of Mt Kenya risk losing a lot if they fail to unite.

He noted that they should continue working together in unity.

"We must be united or we risk perishing, we must be united together," he said.

The New Democrats party leader Thuo Mathenge thanked the organizers of the event noting that the issues raised are crucial.

He said that he will continue working together with all leaders in the region irrespective of political party affiliation.

"We must unite for us to progress," Mathenge said.

He said that the consultative meeting should continue to other counties.

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