Has the boss of a legislative assembly in a key county turned his office into den for wanton sex escapades, ethnic hiring and influence peddling? The man is accused of stocking his office with staffers from his tribe, most of them from his rural village. His handlers allegedly call for him damsels, ushering them to an inner room where the leader quenches his lust. Even worse, the man is a close associate of the county governor and he has optimally leveraged on this to get hefty bribes from high-profile job seekers, with promises that he would influence the governor to hire them.
A parastatal chief has startled his associates by his incessant political posturing, especially on matters relating to his backyard. The political appointee, who performed dismally in his gubernatorial race in the last election, has upped his game against the incumbent despite leading a key entity that is sensitive to politics. His associates have expressed displeasure, urging the man to tone down and put his ambition in check or resign and hit the ground for the next polls.
Is a politico who went mute after the last poll facing blistering hostility after he recently re-emerged in his party? The man resurfaced amid some activity in the movement and is said to have sensed an opportunity to reinvent himself. But he is reported to have had it rough as a critical mass of players view him with suspicion over his rumoured dalliance with some individuals. Some of them have reportedly not moved on from his handling of a special duty. Even more challenging, it's now whispered that the beleaguered man is seriously reconsidering his political strategy and might make some surprising moves in the coming days. Corridors of Power has trained its eyes on him.
We recently told you about two foreign businessmen who are worried after a vehicle transporting consignment was intercepted by police on suspicions it was carrying illegal goods. The duo have panicked even more after police discovered that they are using suspicious travel documents: an expired passport and the other a tourist visa instead of business visa. The consignment, believed to be fake gold was destined for Nairobi for onward transmission to Europe. A local firm that was involved in the transportation has since been roped in. The duo is now reaching out to brokers in government to help.