Girl appeals for help to join Form 1 as admission week ends

She needs Sh20,000 to be able to join Gatero Girls High School in Laikipia.

In Summary
  • Her mother said the family unsuccessfully applied for bursaries offered banks.

  • "My daughter is usually quiet. But her silence is now worrying me. She is not eating well. She has become small and seems lost in her thoughts."

Cecilia Wangui set to join Gatero Girls High school in Laikipia at her home in Roysambu on January 20, 2024.
Cecilia Wangui set to join Gatero Girls High school in Laikipia at her home in Roysambu on January 20, 2024.

A girl who scored 355 marks in the 2023 KCPE examination is appealing for help to join Gatero Girls High school in Laikipia County. 

Mary Wangeci said her daughter Cecilia Wangui finished her Primary school education at Roysambu Primary School in Zimmerman but has not joined school even as Form 1 admission week ends. 

Wangeci said she is unable to take Cecilia to school because proceeds from doing menial jobs like washing clothes for people are too little.

"Her father does kazi ya mjengo (masonry) which comes around thrice a week. We have not been able to raise the money," she said. 

The mother of three said the family unsuccessfully applied for bursaries offered banks.

Cecilia's fees for Term One is Sh20,000 and Sh40,500 per year. 

Wangeci said since the admission week began on Monday, January 15, her daughter has been very quiet and looks confused. 

"The other day I got home and found her sleeping. I even asked her how she was and she never answered. But a while later she acted like she was surprised to see me. Like her mind had just registered that I was back home,"  Wangeci said. 

"My daughter is usually quiet. But her silence is now worrying me. She is not eating well. She has become small and seems lost in her thoughts."

The mother said she has tried encouraging Cecilia not be stressed and have faith that she will complete her studies. 

The mother said there are times Cecilia also secludes herself and prefers to go stay with her aunty in Zimmerman.  

The mother of three noted that her first born daughter dropped out of school in Form 3 due to lack of fees. 

Her second child is currently in Form 3. She was to report to school on January 10 but delayed due to lack of fees. 

"She said she cannot stay at home. I only had Sh700 which I gave her. She went to try speaking to the teachers but she was sent back home. The school is in Othaya.

"An aunty of mine who lives in Othaya was the one who went with her to school and they spoke to the teachers to allow her in school," Wangeci said. 

She said in Third term last year, her second daughter did not learn much as she stayed home the whole of September due to a Sh23, 000 fee balance. 

"My husband and I came together with Sh7,000 from our menial jobs. We went and talked to the headteachers who allowed her sit her exams. She is back in school with no shopping and no fees still," she said. 

If one would wish to reach out to the family to help Cecilia join school, call Wangeci on o791 191 434 

Cecilia Wangui set to join Gatero Girls High school in Laikipia with her mother Mary Wangeci
Cecilia Wangui set to join Gatero Girls High school in Laikipia with her mother Mary Wangeci
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