Raila's birthday: Kalonzo condemns teargassing of Azimio supporters

Kalonzo said no amount of intimidation and police brutality would stop them from celebrating Raila’s 79th birthday.

In Summary
  • “This is a shameful act that demonstrates the Kenya Kwanza regime's fear. Happy Birthday, Raila from all of us in Azimio One Kenya.”
  • However, commenting on what transpired, Nairobi police boss Adamson Bungei said the group did not get a green light to hold the meeting.
Wiper party leader Kalonzo Musyoka and other leaders celebrate Raila Odinga's 79th birthday on January 7, 2023
Wiper party leader Kalonzo Musyoka and other leaders celebrate Raila Odinga's 79th birthday on January 7, 2023

Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka has condemned an incident where Azimio supporters were teargassed in the Central Business District while celebrating Azimio leader Raila Odinga’s birthday.

Taking to his X account, Kalonzo said no amount of intimidation and police brutality would stop them from celebrating Raila’s 79th birthday.

“We hereby condemn in the strongest possible terms, the actions of the massive force of police who lobbied teargas onto peaceful Azimio La Umoja One Kenya Coalition supporters who had assembled this afternoon at the landmark Tom Mboya statue to commemorate Raila,” Kalonzo said on X.

“This is a shameful act that demonstrates the Kenya Kwanza regime's fear. Happy Birthday, Raila from all of us in Azimio One Kenya.”

However, commenting on what transpired, Nairobi police boss Adamson Bungei said the group did not get a green light to hold the meeting.

In a video seen by the Star on Sunday, the teargassed group had cake on a table with pictures of Raila next to the statue of Tom Mboya.

The group was seen and heard singing "Happy birthday baba".

Police were then heard asking them to leave before hurling tear gas canisters at them.

The people around the National Archives and the surrounding areas, including hawkers were forced to scamper for safety.

A lady wearing a blue dress was then heard pleading with the police to allow her to take the cake that was covered with smoke from the tear gas canisters.

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