CS Malonza heckled at funeral over cost of living remarks

"Ndungu zanguni si mungoje nimalize, ama namna gani?"

In Summary
  • "Ndipo maana unaona Rais kila wakati amengangana kila mara amenda Ulaya, ameomba pesa na tumepata kupewa, maanake alipoingia ofisini alipata mfuko haina kitu."
  • The CS made the comments in Chuluni, Kitui East, during the burial of Musungu Kyumbe, a journalist who succumbed to skin cancer.
EAC and ASALs CS Peninah Malonza
EAC and ASALs CS Peninah Malonza
Image: FILE

East African Community, ASALs, and Regional Development Cabinet Secretary Peninah Malonza at the weekend had a hard time addressing mourners who kept on heckling.

"Si msubiri niongee, tumesema subira na heshima," Malonza urged the mourners.

(Kindly allow me to speak, we have agreed to adhere to patience and respect).

The CS was telling the residents that President William Ruto had tackled matters of cost of living and immediately received hostility before she could finish her speech. 

"Hapana, booo, booo, hapana," the mourners chanted, as she urged them to give her time to finish her speech. 

"Ndungu zanguni si mungoje nimalize, ama namna gani, mimi ninaongea mambo matano pekee yake, ama vipi," she urged. 

(My brothers and sisters, kindly allow me to finish my speech, I'll only talk about five things).

The CS told the mourners that the head of state is aware of the high cost of living, and understands the situation, and is working towards lowering the cost of living.

"Ndipo maana unaona Rais kila wakati amengangana kila mara ameenda Ulaya, ameomba pesa na tumepata kupewa, maanake alipoingia ofisini alipata mfuko haina kitu, anaangalia garama ya maisha, amejitoa kuhakikisha mambo yako sawa, anafanya bidii na tunajua ataweza kufanya vyema," she said. 

This is loosely translated to: That is why we are seeing the president going on trips abroad, he has borrowed money and Kenya has received some. When he got into office, he found empty coffers, he is aware of the hardships Kenyans are going through and is working toward lowering the cost of living. 

The CS made the comments in  Chuluni, Kitui East, during the burial of Musungu Kyumbe, a journalist who succumbed to skin cancer.

Kenyans have for the better part of the year been complaining about the high cost of living, and increased prices of commodities including fuel.

In the coming week, the Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority (EPRA) is expected to announce newly reviewed fuel prices, as the crude oil prices have gone down, globally. 

The crude oil is currently at $69 per barrel. 

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