Ruto extends condolences amidst devastating El Nino floods

Said the government will act to secure Kenyans during the ongoing heavy rains.

In Summary
  • On Thursday night eight people were swept by floods after the Muuoni River in Emali, Makueni County broke its banks is ongoing.

  • The seven were attempting to cross the swollen river when they were swept away.

President William Ruto addressing government officials in South C, Nairobi on November 17, 2023
President William Ruto addressing government officials in South C, Nairobi on November 17, 2023
Image: PCS

President William Ruto has condoled with families that have lost their loved ones from the ongoing heavy rains as a result of El Nino. 

Ruto on Friday on X said the government will act to secure Kenyans during the ongoing heavy rains. 

"We condole with the families of the victims of the ongoing intense downpour and flooding in some parts of the country," the President said.  

"We are pained by the loss of lives in Kwale, Mombasa, Samburu and, lately, Makueni County among other places. The Government will act to secure Kenyans." 

The heavy rains have caused havoc people lose lives, and roads destroyed among other incidences.

On Thursday night eight people were swept by floods after the Muuoni River in Emali, Makueni County broke its banks is ongoing.

The seven were attempting to cross the swollen river when they were swept away.

Kavuthu Chief Norman Musyoki said the seven were crossing from Kavuthu to Mutyambua when the tragedy happened.

They unsuccessfully tried to clinch on a tree in the middle of the river that was stuck at the bridge. 

In Isiolo, two family members died Thursday night following a heavy downpour at Attan village in Ngaremara ward.

Isiolo deputy county commissioner Patrick Musango confirmed the deaths saying that so far three people have lost their lives following floods caused by the ongoing heavy rain in the area.

The administrator said several houses, businesses and the road infrastructure have been destroyed.

He said that the two victims of the floods were attempting to cross a swollen seasonal river that swept them away at Attan village.

The DCC revealed that the two bodies of Francis Lingile, aged 22 and Alice Achiru, 29, were discovered at Ngaremara Bridge following a search by the area residents and the relatives who reported the matter to the local chief and later the police came for the bodies.

The administrator directed chiefs and their assistants to ensure the local people do not risk their lives by moving them and their livestock to raised grounds.

He also advised the residents to avoid crossing flooded areas.   

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