Government scales up measures to address floods

Disaster response teams are identifying locations that are likely to be marooned by floods

In Summary
  • Security personnel are likewise warning communities living in flood-prone areas in good time to vacate their homes and move to higher grounds.
  • So far more than 60 people have been killed in flood-related incidents over the rains
Residents try to wade through a flooded Bamburi-Kiembeni road on Friday, November 17, 2023.
Residents try to wade through a flooded Bamburi-Kiembeni road on Friday, November 17, 2023.
Image: FILE

The national and county governments in conjunction with the Kenya Red Cross and humanitarian organizations are providing urgent assistance to communities and families affected in flood-prone areas, Interior Principal Secretary Raymond Omollo has said.

The Kenya Meteorological Department on August 30, 2023, released a weather forecast for October to December 2023, predicting heavy rains in most parts of the country.

Areas most affected include the Lake Victoria Basin, Highlands West of theRift Valley and Central and South Rift Valley; Northwestern Counties (Turkana and Samburu).

Others are the Highlands East of the Rift Valley Counties, including Nairobi area (Nyandarua, Nyeri, Kirinyaga, Murang'a, Kiambu, Laikipia East, Meru, Embu, Tharaka Nithi and Nairobi) and the South-easternLowlands Counties (Kitui, Makueni, Machakos, Taita Taveta, and Kajiado).

The others are North-Eastern Counties (Mandera, Marsabit, Wajir, Garissa and Isiolo) and Coastal Counties (Mombasa, Tana River, Kilifi, Lamu and Kwale).

Disaster response and security teams have been activated and in the short term are identifying locations that are likely to be marooned in respective flood-prone counties through aerial and ground reconnaissance.

Teams from the Kenya Coast Guard Service, National Police Service, Kenya Defence Forces and Kenya Wildlife Service are also alert to rescue people in the flood-affected counties, Omollo said.

The rescue teams will also aid in the distribution of food and non-food items to the affected communities and those in evacuation centres in flood-hit counties.

Temporary shelters (tents) for the displaced persons in the evacuation centres, mostly schools and social halls, where available, will also be provided.

Security personnel are likewise warning communities living in flood-prone areas in good time to vacate their homes and move to higher grounds.

“The state of key roads and bridges that are critical transport and communication nodes in flood-prone counties are also being monitored and updates issued on their usability.”

So far more than 60 people have been killed in flood-related incidents over the rains.

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