Ruto heads to Germany 'in search of jobs for Kenyans'

He said the trip is not for a touristic purpose but for development.

In Summary
  • This will be President Ruto's 41st trip since he was sworn in in September 2022
  • "There are some people who are making noise asking why I am going for the trips, that is my work as the President."
President William Ruto with others at a Church service in Sotik, Bomet County on November 19, 2023
President William Ruto with others at a Church service in Sotik, Bomet County on November 19, 2023
Image: PCS

President William Ruto will on Sunday night leave the country for an official visit to Germany. 

The head of state made the announcement during a church service in Sotik, Bomet County, where he promised that he is looking into sending at least 5,000 Kenyans weekly to work internationally.

"Leo usiku naenda kule Ujerumani, kwa sababu wakati rais wa Ujerumani alikua hapa nchini miezi tatu iliopita alituahidi kazi elfu mia mbili, lazima niende nipange hio kazi," he said. 

(I'll be leaving for Germany tonight, because when the President of Germany was here three months ago, he promised us 200,000 jobs, and I have to go and do a follow-up of the same)

He said the trip is not for a touristic purpose but for development. 

"When I go for foreign trips, I don't go for the purpose of tourism but for the benefit of Kenyans, as that is why I was elected," he noted

This will be President Ruto's 41st trip since he was sworn in, into power in September 2022, and had in October defended the numerous trips saying they were for the betterment of the country. 

He noted that through the trips,  he has been able to secure several deals in favour of the country.

For the trip the head of state made to Saudi Arabia in October, Ruto said it saw him secure employment slots for 350,000 Kenyans with the bilateral agreement expected to be signed in the next three weeks.

“Nilikuwa wiki iliyopita pale Saudi, tumekubaliana na wao wanahitaji watu elfu mia tatu na hamsini kufanya kazi huko kwao….Tunasign bilateral labour agreement hivi karibuni, nitarudi huko in another three weeks,” Ruto said.

(Last week, I was in Saudi Arabia and the country needs at least 350,000 labourers, we will sign a bilateral agreement very soon.)

“Kuna watu wengine wananipigia makelele mbona umeenda safari hii, hiyo ndio kazi yangu ya Rais, mimi ndio chief agent ya Kenya, mimi ndio ambassador ya Kenya ya kupanga vile Kenya itasonga mbele,” he said.

(There are some people who are making noise asking why I am going on these trips, that is my work as the President. I am Kenya’s chief agent and ambassador to plan how the country will move forward.)

The President added: “Si mumeskia askofu hapa akisema amekuja hapa Uasin Gishu amekaa karibu wiki moja, alikuwa Nandi amekaa wiki moja, alikuwa huko Mbeere alikaa sijui siku ngapi, mimi nikienda tu kwenda kutafuta ajira ya Wakenya siku mbili, kelele.”

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