Commercial sex worker found dead in city lodging

Witnesses say suspect left the lodge alone at about 5 am

In Summary
  • She lay naked with her legs and hands tied with a piece of clothing.
  • Police who visited the scene said she had been strangled with a bed sheet tied around her neck.
Crime scene.
CRIME: Crime scene.
Image: STAR

Police are looking for a man believed to have murdered a commercial sex worker in a lodging along Kirinyaga Road, Nairobi.

The woman’s body was found in a lodging she and a man had booked on Saturday night. The man was missing, police said.

According to security guards at the building, the woman booked the room and was accompanied by the man who is believed to have killed her.

They spent the night there but the man left alone at about 5 am alone and told receptionists the woman was sleeping and would leave later.

Come midday, almost seven hours later the cleaners went to the room seeking to clean it when they stumbled on the body of the woman.

She lay naked with her legs and hands tied with a piece of clothing.

Police who visited the scene said she had been strangled with a bed sheet tied around her neck.

The motive of the murder is yet to be unravelled, police said. The body of the woman was moved to the mortuary pending autopsy and further probe.

Nairobi police boss Adamson Bungei said they are investigating the murder.

He said they are pursuing the suspected killer and a team of detectives is already on the ground handling the matter.

In the Kabete area, police said they are also investigating the murder of a man whose body was found on the roadside with visible injuries.

The body had visible injuries at the back of the head at the time it was found.

Police said they are investigating murder in the incident and no arrest had been made so far.

Elsewhere in the Zimmerman area, police are investigating the death of a man whose body was found lying on the roadside.

The body had vomit on the mouth and had no visible injuries at the time of the discovery.

The cause of the death was not immediately known, police said adding the body was moved to the mortuary pending autopsy.

Police say they are concerned with the discovery of bodies at various places. Some of the deaths are natural while others are out of murder which are pending probe.

According to police reports, at least two bodies are recovered daily in the city alone.

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