Week two of KCSE 2023 commences with Math, Kiswahili papers

Some 903,260 candidates are sitting this year’s KCSE exam.

In Summary
  • Thursday, the learners will sit for Biology Paper 2 and History and Government Paper 2. 

  • For the entire Friday, candidates will do their Biology paper 3 which is purely practical. 

An invigilator distributes papers during start of KCSE exams at Starehe Boys Centre in the past.
EXAM INTEGRITY: An invigilator distributes papers during start of KCSE exams at Starehe Boys Centre in the past.
Image: FILE

Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education, 2023, entered week two on Monday.

Form four candidates started their theory paper last week which will proceed to this week.

On Monday, the candidates are set to start with Mathematics Paper 2 and Kiswahili Paper 3. 

On Tuesday, candidates will sit for Religious Education Paper 1 and Biology Paper 1. 

On Wednesday, the learners will sit for Religious Education Paper 2 and History and Government Paper 1. 

Thursday, the learners will sit for Biology Paper 2 and History and Government Paper 2. 

For the entire Friday, candidates will do their Biology paper 3 which is purely practical. 

Although Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki declared Monday a national holiday, he said learners will proceed with their exams. 

This is after the CS gazetted November 13, a public holiday for Kenyans to engage in tree growing countrywide.

"In Exercise of the powers conferred by section 3 of the Public Holidays Act, the Cabinet Secretary for Interior and National Administration declares Monday, November 13, 2023, a public holiday in which the public shall be engaged in tree growing countrywide," the gazette notice read.

"The exercise is part of Kenya’s Landscape and Ecosystem Restoration Program–Towards the Growing of Fifteen (15) billion trees."

Interior Ministry Head of Communications Francis Gachuri clarified that the exams scheduled for Monday will proceed.

"Take note; KCSE papers scheduled for Monday 13, November 2023 shall proceed normally," he said.

The exams started on October 23 with practical papers and will run for a whole month till the end of November.

Some 903,260 candidates are sitting this year’s KCSE exam.

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