Service delivery has been dear to my heart, says Kuria

"I'm here to re-engineer deliverance of government services as President Ruto desires."

In Summary

• Kuria was one of the eight Cabinet Secretaries whose dockets were affected in a mini Cabinet reshuffle instituted by President William Ruto on October 4.

• The former Gatundu South MP was moved from the prestigious Industrialisation and Trade Ministry to the Public Service Performance and Delivery Management.

Public Service Performance and Delivery Management Cabinet Secretary Moses Kuria speaks after taking over the new ministry from Aisha Jumwa on Monday, October 16, 2023.
Public Service Performance and Delivery Management Cabinet Secretary Moses Kuria speaks after taking over the new ministry from Aisha Jumwa on Monday, October 16, 2023.

Public Service Performance and Delivery Management Cabinet Secretary Moses Kuria has taken up his new role with enthusiasm saying delivery of government services to the public has always been dear to him.

In a statement after taking over from his predecessor Aisha Jumwa on Monday, Kuria said his vision is nothing short of a stellar performance.

"Delivery and performance of civil servants has been dear to my heart, and I'm here to re-engineer deliverance of Government services to the people of this country as H.E. President William Ruto desires," he said.

Kuria was one of the eight Cabinet Secretaries whose dockets were affected in a mini Cabinet reshuffle instituted by President William Ruto on October 4.

The former Gatundu South MP was moved from the Industrialisation and Trade Ministry to the Public Service Performance and Delivery Management.

Some observers saw this as a demotion and it came after Kuria missed two of Ruto's US trips.

US Trade Representative Katherine Tai had a few weeks prior to the reshuffle been in Kenya but did not meet Kuria, further lending credence to talk that his removal from the docket was long overdue.

But Kuria was full of zeal as he took over the new role saying he was extremely delighted.

"It's my vision that I'll be able to transit public servants from public employment, where most of them believe they are in, to public service where the 900,000 of us should be, to serve the 54 million Kenyans as they deserve," he said.

"I'm grateful to the team that has been working in this office, led by PS Gathecha, PS Veronica Nduva, PS Anne Wang'ombe and the Public Service Commission, where I intend to work closely with all of them and make things work even better for the good of all of us."

On Saturday, Chief of Staff and Head of Public Service Felix Koskei said Kuria's office will be located at the Railways Headquarters off Haile Selassie Avenue.

This is a shift from his previous workstation at the Two Rivers Mall in Ruaka where he operated from while Trade CS.

On Sunday, Kuria said in a statement that there was no dispute between him and Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi over the Railways office.

This was after Mudavadi issued a statement saying he would continue working from the Railways office even after Koskei stated that his area of operation would be Old Treasury Building.

"For the umpteenth time, there is no dispute between myself and the Prime Cabinet Secretary over an office," he said.

"What I'm taking over from the PCS are just 4 departments that fall under the State Department for Performance & Delivery Management- Government Delivery Services, Performance Contracting, State Corporations Advisory Committee and Inspectorate of State Corporations.

"It shall remain so until amended. Ignore any other reports to the contrary," he said.

Kuria said he is used to the streets and ready to work from anywhere.

"As for an office, Mimi ni msee wa kiwanja and as long as I'm assisting the President to deliver the plan, I'm ready to relocate to OTC next to my friend Rev Maina," he said.

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