Church not doing enough in fight against crime, says Legio Maria

“Most of the offenders are Christians from our churches”

In Summary
  • Nyapera appealed to fellow clergy to re-examine their preaching methodology and select topics that will speak against crime.
  • He warned that if the church does not step in, then the society will be headed in the wrong direction.
Bishop Wycliffe Nyapera of the Legio Maria Church
Bishop Wycliffe Nyapera of the Legio Maria Church
Image: FILE

The current surge of murder and crime cases in Kenya is a worrying trend, the Legio Maria Church has warned.

Bishop Wycliffe Nyapera said the increase in murder and homicide crimes is now at an alarming rate and the church needs to intervene alongside government authorities.

“I am deeply perturbed when I watch the news and only to hear a Kenyan murdered another. That so and so was found dead and killers are at large,” he said.

In a statement, Nyapera warned that if the church does not step in, then the society will be headed in the wrong direction.

“Most of the offenders are Christians from our churches. Is the church playing its role effectively? What do we preach about? Do we preach the gospel of love and peace or the gospel of prosperity only?” he posed.

He appealed to fellow clergy to re-examine their preaching methodology and select topics that would speak against crime.

“Apart from the church services, let us visit and pray with our people in the community. Much may be going on in the community without our knowledge. Be a listening ear to every little problem. Attempt to solve the problem, however minor it may seem,” he advised.

He said evidence shows that there has been very little effort in preventing crimes in our community by both the church and the government.

“Even the lives of pastors are at stake. No one is safe. As humans, let us respect the sanctity of life. Life is sacred and no one should terminate or even think of terminating the life of another,” he said.

Nyapera added that the gospel of love, peace and reconciliation should be made a priority by all preachers.

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