Goons use raw sewage, stones to block Nyamira Assembly gates

The MCAs are on Tuesday afternoon set to table an impeachment motion.

In Summary
  • The motion is expected to be tabled on Tuesday afternoon by county MCAs.
  • Efforts to strike a truce have failed with Nyaribo accusing MCAs of malice.
Scenes outsides the Nyamira County Assembly gates on the morning of September 26, 2023.
Scenes outsides the Nyamira County Assembly gates on the morning of September 26, 2023.

Police have mounted a heavy security ring within and around the Nyamira County Assembly after alleged goons used stones and raw sewage to block the entrance.

The Members of the County Assembly are on Tuesday afternoon set to table an impeachment motion against Governor Amos Nyaribo.

Police are restricting entrance into the Assembly precincts to staff only amid tension within Nyamira town over the planned motion.

Assembly guards and staff were forced to clear the raw sewage and stones that had blocked the entrance with MCAs expected to arrive later in the afternoon to move the motion.

It is not clear who blocked the gates, but there are reports that some hired goons struck at night and overpowered security guards as they poured raw sewage.

Tension is building after two rival groups took to the streets to either support the impeachment motion or denounce it as police intensified patrols.

Some of Nyaribo's supporters in the streets of Nyamira town on September 26, 2023.
Some of Nyaribo's supporters in the streets of Nyamira town on September 26, 2023.

On Tuesday morning some of Nyaribo's supporters thronged into the streets while carrying placards as they condemned the planned impeachment motion.

Those supporting the motion also emerged in the streets around Nyamira town urging MCAs to go on with the motion.

Efforts by local leaders to initiate dialogue between the MCAs and the governor flopped with both sides playing hardball.

Speaking to the Star on Tuesday morning Bomanyatuta MCA Julius Matwere who is leading the MCAs on Nyaribo's impeachment said they will not intimidated.

The MCA alleged that they suspected of plans to cause chaos and obstruct MCAs from executing their constitutional mandate.

''We know they have planned all manner of chaos on Tuesday but we want to urge them to respect our constitutional mandate,'' Matwere said.

He said they will emerge from their 'hideout' later in the day and table the motion even as he thanked security officers for moving in swiftly to secure the assembly.

''Our officers have done a commendable job so far, we want to be given a secure environment to work without any interference,'' he said.

Police stand guard outside the Nyamira County Assembly on September 26, 2023.
Police stand guard outside the Nyamira County Assembly on September 26, 2023.

Some 24 out of the 34 MCAs of Nyamira County Assembly signed the impeachment motion and last Thursday validated their signatures with the clerk and vowed not to turn back.

The motion must be supported by at least 23 MCAs for it to sail through to the Senate for possible impeachment of the governor.

This is not the first time that Nyamira County Assembly precincts have been blocked.

In 2021, goons blocked the entrance following leadership wrangles that rocked the Assembly.


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