On the radar: Gachagua to address 36th Conference on sleeping sickness

Key activities and events lined up for today.

In Summary

• Babu Owino is set to return to court on Tuesday seeking orders to compel the government to give him back his gun.

• This follows an acquittal in a misuse of a firearm case.

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua will address the 36th Conference of the International Scientific Council of Trypanosomiasis Research and Control (ISCTRC).

More than 300 participants from across Africa are meeting in Mombasa this week to discuss ways of tackling the African Trypanosomiasis, commonly known as sleeping sickness or Nagana.

The disease is said to claim more than 50,000 lives annually, while over 65 million people in Sub-Saharan Africa are currently at risk of contracting it.

Embakasi East MP Babu Owino to return in court.

Embakasi East Member of Parliament Babu Owino is set to return to court on Tuesday seeking orders to compel the government to give him back his gun.

This follows an acquittal in a misuse of a firearm case.

He was last month found not guilty in the misuse of firearm case lodged against him by the state following an incident in which Felix Orinda alias DJ Evolve was January 2020 shot at B - Club in Kilimani area of Nairobi.

Senate Committee on Lands to meet Energy CS.

The Senate Committee on Lands will meet Energy CS Davis Chirchir and Managing Director KPLC and chair NLC over the demolition of houses in Mihang’o by the power distributor.

The meeting at 9 am will take place at Bunge Tower.

Senate ICT Committee is set to meet Naivas Supermarkets CEO

The Senate ICT Committee is set to meet Naivas Supermarkets CEO and Data Protection Commissioner Immaculate Kassait over the alleged breach of customer data at the retail chain at noon, Parliament Buildings.

Aga Khan University to release the regional Lancet report

The Aga Khan University will release the regional Lancet report on preventive interventions to curb pregnancy complications and child mortality rates in Kenya and Sub-Saharan Africa.

The event will take place at the Serena Hotel in Nairobi from 10 am to 1 pm.

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