12 Ethiopians arrested for being in Kenya illegally

The Ethiopians who were arrested in Umoja, were aged between 15 and 20

In Summary
  • Police said they are yet to know the period the aliens had been in the area.

  • Residents tipped the police of the presence of the aliens.

Image: The Star

At least 12 Ethiopians were September 14 arrested from a house in Umoja, Nairobi, for being in the country illegally.

Their host was also arrested in the operation mounted by police from the Transnational Organised Crimes Unit.

They were all aged between 15 and 20 at the time of their arrest.

Police said they are yet to know the period the aliens had been in the area.

Residents tipped the police of the presence of the aliens.

The arrests are the latest in a series following operations mounted by police.

Earlier this week, a group of Ethiopians who are in police custody pending their repatriation to their country staged a hunger strike causing panic at the Athi River police station.

The 82 aliens had been arrested on August 26 in Athi River and taken to court where a court ordered their repatriation.

Police said the group had been found unlawfully confined in a residential house whose owner is yet to be established.

The suspects escaped from the house after they broke the main door and window panes and then ended up loitering in the area before they were arrested.

They have been detained at Mavoko SNP police station pending processing for repatriation by the immigration officials.

On September 11,  the group refused to take their meals saying they wanted to be taken back to their country.

They said it had taken too long to process their movement out of the country.

Police officers at the station said the group threatened not to take meals until they were repatriated.

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