Kenya should stop relying on Kenya power for electricity - Tetu MP

"We all know what happens when you rely on one single provider"

In Summary

• The country was plunged into darkness due to a power outage on Friday.

•On Monday, Energy CS Davis Chirchir said that the Ministry is yet to restore the Lake Turkana Wind Power plant(LTWP) to the grid.

Kenya Power staff at work. PHOTO/ELKANAH JACOB
Kenya Power staff at work. PHOTO/ELKANAH JACOB

Tetu MP Geoffrey Wandeto has called on the country to learn from the recent nationwide power outage to forge better policies.

Speaking on Citizen TV on Tuesday, Wandeto said it is time to end the blame games on who might have caused the blackout that lasted more than 24 hours in some parts of the country.

He termed it embarrassing that at a time when the country hopes to be industrialised, it is yet to get it right in the power sector yet electricity is the key ingredient in development.

He said even though the country has opened up to IPPs which has seen it generate more power, the distribution is still under monopoly hence resulting in situations like the one witnessed over the weekend.

“Our overreliance on one distributor is something that we need to start questioning. We all know what happens when you rely on one single provider and I think this whole thing of liberalising distribution is an overdue thing,” Wandeto said.

"The problem is not coming from our generation but from distribution which is held by a monopoly.

"If we had two Kenya powers maybe Kenya power B would have been working when Kenya power A was down,” the legislator added.

On Monday, Energy CS Davis Chirchir said that the ministry is yet to restore the Lake Turkana Wind Power plant(LTWP) to the grid.

The CS said that they are trying to find out the cause of the problem.

This is after the country was plunged into darkness due to a power outage on Friday.

Kenya Power attributed the nationwide blackout to a loss of 270MW from LTWP.

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