Parents in Finland education fiasco call off protests in Eldoret

They said they had decided to call off the demos in respect of President William Ruto.

In Summary

• The parents have been protesting demanding a refund of more than sh 300 million they paid through the county for their children to study in Finland and Canada.

• Human rights activist Kimutai Kirui who has been helping the parents to push for refund said they had agreed with the leaders not to interfere with the conference.

The parents after a meeting in Eldoret on August 15th 2023
The parents after a meeting in Eldoret on August 15th 2023

Parents affected by the Finland education fiasco in Uasin Gishu have called off protests they had planed to coincide with the devolution conference in Eldoret.

The parents said they had decided to call off the demos in respect of President William Ruto who is in Eldoret to open the devolution conference.

A leader of the parents Edward Kiptek says they hope the President will speak on their plight during the conference.

"It's just because of the President that we have decided to call off the demo otherwise our demands still stand", said Kiptek.

The parents have been protesting demanding a refund of more than sh 300 million they paid through the county for their children to study in Finland and Canada.

The parents had also held a meeting with Uasin Gishu county leaders including Govenor Jonathan Bii and Senator Jackson Mandago.

The parents had planned to carry out the protests outside the Eldoret Sports Club which the main venue of the conference.

Human rights activist Kimutai Kirui who has been helping the parents to push for refund said they had agreed with the leaders not to interfere with the conference and give dialogue a chance.

"The leaders have agreed with the parents that the money will be refunded and we have agreed to give them until next week to do so failure to which we will resume our protests", said Kirui.

Kirui and Kiptek said they had petitioned President Ruto to intervene and ensure they are refunded the money.

One of the students Janet Jepkoech said they had suffered a lot following the loss of the money and they want the President to personally take up the matter.

"We are asking our President to come to our rescue because he is now our only hope"  said Jepkoech.

The parents said they would resume protests next week if their money is not refunded.

Earlier, the parents had planned to hold a media briefing outside the sports club but were stopped from doing so by the police.

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