Demos: Kindiki likens violent protestors to terrorists

Says the protestors are in same category with bandits, Al Shabaab

In Summary
  • Kindiki vowed not relent in his fight with criminals across the country.
  • CS said there was no difference between an Al Shabaab militant and a protestor who burns the country’s flag.
Fires lit along the streets in Kisumu as demos begin on July 12, 2023.
Fires lit along the streets in Kisumu as demos begin on July 12, 2023.

Interior and National Administration Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki has likened violent Opposition protestors to terrorists.

Kindiiki said protestors who have been engaging in wanton destruction of property in recent demonstrations against the government were no different from terrorists.

Speaking on Saturday in Sondu during a security meeting, the CS said violent protestors have now joined two groups he is fighting; bandits in northern Kenya and the Al Shabaab terrorist group.

“We have been fighting the Al Shabaab and bandits in northern parts of Kenya but we now another group of criminals who are in politics. They are all in one Whatsapp group,” he stated.

Interior and National Administration Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki in Sondu on July 15, 2023
Interior and National Administration Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki in Sondu on July 15, 2023
Image: Handout

The CS reiterated that there was no difference between an Al Shabaab militant and a protestor who burns the country’s flag.

“It is a piece of cloth but it is an emblem of our country. When it was hoisted for the first time, we started to rule ourselves. It is a symbol of statehood and burning it is like setting the country on fire,” he explained.

Kindiki vowed not to relent in his fight with criminals across the country.

 “I will deal with the crooks. They are few because the majority of people are good,” he stated.

Kindiki was in Sondu at the border of Kericho and Kisumu counties for a series of peace and security meetings with security and intelligence officials and leaders of the local communities

The area has recently experienced ethnic flare ups.

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