Ruto, Gachagua congratulate Ogier, other Safari Rally winners

The President said that the Safari Rally is Kenya's humble contribution to the global motorsport.

In Summary
  • He also congratulated Toyota Cazoo Racing for the manufacturer's title. 

  • Ruto appreciated  the organisers of the event and everyone who helped make the rally amazing.

President William Ruto with Toyota Gazoo teams (from L) Scott Martin and Elfyn Evans (3rd Position), Sebastian Ogier and Vincent Landais (1st position) and Kalle Rovanpera and Jonne Hulttunen (2nd Position) celebrate their podium finish of the 2023 WRC Safari Rally in Naivasha. June 25, 2023.
President William Ruto with Toyota Gazoo teams (from L) Scott Martin and Elfyn Evans (3rd Position), Sebastian Ogier and Vincent Landais (1st position) and Kalle Rovanpera and Jonne Hulttunen (2nd Position) celebrate their podium finish of the 2023 WRC Safari Rally in Naivasha. June 25, 2023.

President William Ruto and Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua have penned down warm congratulatory messages to Safari Rally winners Sebastian Ogier and Vincent Landais.

Ruto penned his congratulatory message on Sunday on Twitter after attending the award ceremony of the Safari Rally winners. 

"Congratulations to Sebastian Ogier and Vincent Landais for winning the world's most spectacular and gruelling WRC event, the Safari Rally. You are conquerors of terrain and machine, and King of the 70th Safari Rally 2023," Ruto said. 

He also congratulated Toyota Cazoo Racing for the manufacturer's title. 

Ruto appreciated the organisers of the event and everyone who helped make the rally a success.

"And well done to the Kenyan people for once again showcasing our world-famous hospitality," the Head of State said. 

The President said that the Safari Rally, now in its 70th year, is Kenya's humble contribution to global motorsport.

He said the country is honoured to host the world-34 crews from 20 countries this year, adding that Kenya looks forward to more drivers next year. 

Additionally, Ruto gave a thumbs up to the teams of Kalle Rovanpera,  Jonne Halttumen, Elfy Evans and Scott Martin respectively for finishing on the podium. 

"I commend the 19 Kenyan drivers who took part in the 70th Safari Rally, among them Carl Tundo who was third in WRC category 2. We look forward to more exciting competition next year," Ruto said. 

On his part, Gachagua congratulated the top three winners of the Safari Rally. 

"Congratulations to the Winners of the 70th Edition of the Safari Rally Championship Sebastian Ogier, Kalle Rovanpera and Elfyn Evans who were first, second and third respectively," the Deputy President said. 

Gachagua also congratulated Kenyan drivers led by Carl Tundo, who was third in the World Rally Championship category two.

He termed it as a joy seeing Ruto in Naivasha as the 2023 WRC  came to an electrifying end and later, the awarding of trophies to the winners.

"The event has elevated our country's profile not only in the world of car racing but also affirmed our place as a diverse, sporty and hospitable country," Gachagua said. 

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