Government has digitised 5,000 services so far - Ruto

Says this has been achieved few days to the set deadline

In Summary
  • "We are ready to execute our leap into a brave new world and become a fully-fledged digital economy," Ruto said. 
  • The head of state said his administration intends to cover all the  remaining services by end of 2023. 
President William Ruto with Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja during the launch of ID4Africa at South C on May 24, 2023
President William Ruto with Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja during the launch of ID4Africa at South C on May 24, 2023
Image: PCS

At least 5,000 government services have been digitised, President William Ruto has announced. 

The Head of State said his administration intends to cover all the remaining services by the end of 2023. 

"The aim is to significantly cut down transaction costs and minimise opportunities for corruption by eliminating unnecessary bureaucracy, and also increase transparency in government," he said. 

Ruto added that Kenya is among the earliest of its continental peers to establish a policy framework for data protection, which includes comprehensive legislation and regulations to safeguard privacy and personal data.

"With a sound policy ecosystem in place, we are ready to execute our leap into a brave new world and become a fully-fledged digital economy," Ruto said. 

He made the announcement during the official opening of the ID4Africa event held in South C. 

Ruto had in January 2023 said his government will digitise 5,000 government services by June, this has been achieved a few days before the deadline set. 

In December 2022, Ruto's administration announced that all payments for government services shall be made through the E-citizen portal.

Treasury Cabinet Secretary Njuguna Ndung’u gazetted the portal to be the official government digital payment platform.

He also announced that more transactions are being moved to the online payment portal, as the government unveiled a new universal pay bill number, 222222.

“All payments for government services shall progressively be made through The official Government of Kenya Pay Bill Number is 222222,” he said. 

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