President Ruto explains weight loss

He was responding to a question asked by KTN's Eric Lattif who asked him about his fitness journey.

In Summary
  • The president vigorously campaigned for his presidential election which saw him win the election. 
  • He said the campaign period was hectic, as one would forget to eat. 
President William Ruto during a church service at AIC Milimani Church, Nairobi on May 14, 2023.
President William Ruto during a church service at AIC Milimani Church, Nairobi on May 14, 2023.

President William Ruto has disclosed why he has lost weight. 

Speaking during a round table with journalists at State House, Nairobi, the head of state revealed that he had an original foot that ran a mog. 

"We went into elections and when you have elections you have a lot of pressure and sometimes you take out the pressure on food and you don’t have time to go and exercise," he said.

"I decided to cut it down because ile kibarua niko nayo si kidogo, you need to be very alert, to work better." 

Ruto was responding to a question asked by KTN's Eric Lattif who asked him about his fitness journey.

"Mr President, you look well, and people have been commenting, asking if it's an exercise regime or diet," Eric posed the question.

The president vigorously campaigned for his presidential election which saw him win the election. 

He said the campaign period was hectic, as one would forget to eat. 

"When you go to elections, you don't have time to exercise," Ruto said.

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