We’re not doing Raila any favor by supporting him – MP Masara

Said Raila is doing Kenyans a favor by protecting what belongs to them.

In Summary
  • He said that it is Raila who is doing a favor to the people of Kenya by protecting their democratic rights. 
  • Masara was speaking at his constituency where he was issuing out bursary cheques for students. 
Suna West MP Peter Masara in Migori town on Sunday during Migori branch AGM meeting.
Suna West MP Peter Masara in Migori town on Sunday during Migori branch AGM meeting.
Image: FILE

Suna West MP Peter Masara has said no one is doing any favors to Azimio Chief Raila Odinga by supporting him. 

He said that it is Raila who is doing a favor to the people of Kenya by protecting their democratic rights. 

Masara was speaking at his constituency where he was issuing out bursary cheques for students. 

" Actually, we are not doing Raila a favor, Raila is doing us a favor by protecting what belongs to us," he said. 

Masara clarified that the Azimio Chief is not out looking for any handshake for he has all he needs but he is out fighting for the rights of Kenyans.

"Let nobody cheat you that Raila wants a handshake. If it is money, he has what he needs, if it is recognition, he is recognised worldwide, therefore, what he is fighting for is the rights of the people of Kenya," he said. 

Masara called on Kenyans to rise and defend the constitution that their forefathers fought for against the alleged abuse by President William Ruto.

"Time will come when our great-grandchildren will ask when the constitution was being mutilated, where we were, they will ask us, where is the devolution which you people fought for," he said. 

Masara said for those reasons, it is why the leadership of Azimio has decided that they must protect what belongs to Kenyans.  

"People at State House will come and go, but Kenya will remain a country, therefore, whatever gains we have gotten, we are not going to let it go down the drain," Masara said.  

He said the right time for Kenyans to defend their democratic rights is now. 

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