5 years is too short, start delivering promises - MP Mbadi tells Ruto

Mbadi said the Kenya Kwanza government should begin delivering their promises.

In Summary
  • "William Ruto should know 5yrs is too short, and he should concentrate on delivering on his pledges," Mbadi tweeted.
  • Makadara MP George Aladwa this week urged Ruto to stop pursuing what he termed as a vendetta against his predecessor.
Nominated MP John Mbadi during National Assembly Audit and Appropriations Committees meeting on January 26
MBADI: Nominated MP John Mbadi during National Assembly Audit and Appropriations Committees meeting on January 26 

Nominated MP John Mbadi has warned President William Ruto to shun what he termed as a political witch hunt and focus on service delivery to Kenyans.

Mbadi said the Kenya Kwanza government should begin delivering their promises since the time they have in the office is too short.

"William Ruto should know 5yrs is too short, and he should concentrate on delivering on his pledges," Mbadi tweeted.

This comes amidst the war of words among Azimio la Umoja and Kenya Kwanza leaders over payment of taxes.

Leaders from both sides have come up in arms defending either Ruto or his predecessor Uhuru Kenyatta.

"Vengeance and political witch hunt will only serve to destabilize this country. We're watching," Mbadi added.

Makadara MP George Aladwa this week urged Ruto to stop pursuing what he termed as a personal vendetta against his predecessor.

The Azimio-allied MP said the President must not allow his troops to openly ridicule a former Head of State while cheering on political attacks targeted at the former First Family.


The MP said Ruto and his troops are attacking the ex-President to cover up for their failure to deliver on campaign promises.

“As elected leaders, we strongly condemn this unwarranted attack on H.E Uhuru Kenyatta and his family from leaders of a regime that is on a downward trajectory,” the MP said in a statement on Thursday.

On Tuesday, Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka told Kenya Kwanza leaders to desist from targeting Uhuru in their attacks.

Kalonzo warned that sustained attacks on Uhuru by top government officials could spew hatred among Kenyans.

“The late President Moi did not speak ill against Mzee Jomo Kenyatta. The late President Kibaki also did not target Moi when he took over. When leaders appear to victimise Uhuru, you never know what might happen to the country,” Kalonzo stated.

He recalled that some of Kibaki’s men wanted the government to repossess Moi’s Kabarnet home but their wishes were turned down.

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