Uhuru CSs to sponsor Magoha adopted children - Matiang'i

He said none of them will be stranded.

In Summary
  • Matiang'i also asked earning institutions to immortalise Magoha's contribution to society. 
  • He died on January 24 at the age of 71 after a long and illustrious career in medicine, academia and public service.
Former Interior Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiang'i
Former Interior Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiang'i

Former Interior Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiang'i on Tuesday said his colleagues will contribute towards the well-being of two children the late George Magoha was sponsoring. 

Speaking while he accompanied retired President Uhuru Kenyatta to visit Magoha's family in Lavington, Matiang'i said none of them will be stranded. 

"Our retired President is still on this, he will support and guide us to honour our colleague, as it is a morally right thing to do," he said. 

"All former PSs and CSs will contribute to the course."

Matiang'i also asked earning institutions to immortalise Magoha's contribution to society. 

"Either one university in the country will create a chair and name it after Magoha, or name a research program after him, establish a scholarship to help others," he said. 

Magoha died on January 24 at the age of 71 after a long and illustrious career in medicine, academia and public service.

He collapsed at home and was rushed to Nairobi Hospital, where he was pronounced dead after efforts to resuscitate him failed.

He will be laid to rest on February 11 at his rural home in Siaya.

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