
No Plot to Impeach Governor Wamatangi, Kiambu MCAs Say

They accused Wamatangi of usurping the role of the ward reps

In Summary
  • The ward representatives staged a protest accusing him of belittling them and not honouring their invitation to discuss the welfare of Kiambu County.
  • The MCAs claimed that bursary committees were being formed at the ward level without their knowledge or involvement.
Kiambu Governor Kimani Wamatangi signing the visitors book at the assembly premises during the swearing-in of the assembly members a month ago.
Kiambu Governor Kimani Wamatangi signing the visitors book at the assembly premises during the swearing-in of the assembly members a month ago.

A section of Kiambu MCA representatives has denied plotting to impeach Governor Kimani Wamatangi as it was widely speculated on Monday after they held a demo at the governor’s office in Kiambu town.

The ward representatives staged a protest accusing him of belittling them and not honouring their invitation to discuss the welfare of Kiambu County.

The MCAs claimed that bursary committees were being formed at the ward level without their knowledge or involvement.

They accused Wamatangi of usurping the role of the ward reps

Wamatangi has been facing a revolt from a section of MCAs who at one point rejected half of his cabinet nominees.

Wamatangi recently pointed a finger at some politicians in the county who he said are positioning themselves for succession politics in 2027.

“It’s unfortunate to learn that people have already started positioning themselves to put hurdles in my government ahead of the 2027 election,”  he told the media a month ago.

The county chief recently told off his detractors, accusing them of being impatient with his administration, and vowed not to fall into the trap of his critics insisting he will work without fear.

Speaking with Star, Murera Ward MCA Moses Ngatha said that no one has filed a motion in the assembly to impeach the governor.

He stated that the Monday morning protest was a result of Wamatangi belittling them and not according them the respect needed.

Mr Ngatha said that they had moved to the governor's office for a meeting in regard to bursary allocation and other issues only for the governor not to turn up for the meeting.

“No one has filed a motion of impeachment against the governor and all that we need is a framework on how we will work together as elected leaders, secondly we feel offended by the governor's move to work with his ‘Wamatangi foundation' employees in discharging his public duties in our wards without consulting us," he said.

He noted that the things being raised hold more weight and the governor should allow them to iron out any difference that might have been generated due to misunderstanding.

Riabai MCA Hezron Gachui said that the governor has been using illegal groups in the distribution of County resources instead of involving elected leaders.

“We have discovered that the governor is using his Wamatangi foundation to reach the grassroots instead of involving us," he said.

Kiamwangi MCA Kung'u Smart has said that the leadership of the Kiambu assembly should be united to discharge duties to Wanjiku.

He noted that for the last two regimes, the Kiambu assembly found itself on the bad side of new a move that should be rectified with the current administration.

“There is no bad blood between Wamatangi and MCAs, what exists is just a misunderstanding which can be solved considering we all come from different political thoughts and schools,” Kung'u said.

He said that a meeting between the governor and the MCA is crucial to iron out any issue that might hamper service delivery and create a bad relationship.

Kiambu senator Karungo Thangw’a told the Star that governor Wamatangi should create time and iron out issues that members of the County assembly are raising.

Karungo said that MCAs are much closer to Wanjiku who elected them to power and the governor should create time and hold meetings with them.

 “There have been ranging issues in Kiambu County and I would like to congratulate MCAs for seeking an address from the governor instead of filing an impeachment motion, what they need is an explanation and the emerging issues be solved," he said.

He said that failure by the governor to address issues may lead to an impeachment motion similar to what happened in Meru a few weeks ago.

Majority leader and Kalimoni ward MCA Godfrey Waiyaki Mucheke last year during a forum that the governor attended said that elected leaders had agreed to make Kiambu County a referral of good leadership and governance.

Muceke said that they are united in rolling out the development of projects and initiating bills that will help in improving revenue collection.

“There is no fight between the governor and the members of the assembly remember we are all from a different world view and this might be interpreted as difference," he said.

Immediately after being elected, a section of Kiambu Members of County Assembly (MCAs) warned area governor Kimani Wamatangi against interfering with the affairs of the Assembly.

This was regarding the election of assembly leadership where Wamatangi was accused of pushing for a section of leaders to serve in various key positions.

They had warned the governor that all three arms of county government namely the Legislature, Executive, and Judiciary are independent and hence he should stick to his lane.

They alleged that, even before they are sworn in, the governor had already put up his lineup without involving them warning that the same will expose him to untold rebellion.

True to their words, the assembly recently rejected a section of Wamatangi members of County executive members.

MCAs rejected the five nominees, who had been given a clean bill of health by the appointment committee that was chaired by Speaker Charles Thiong'o.

MCAs rejected Finance, ICT, and Economic Planning nominee Nancy Kirumba, Administration and Public Service (Margaret Riunge), and Lands, Housing, Physical Planning, Municipal Administration, and Urban Development (Salome Muthoni).

Political analyst Albert Kasembeli has told the Star that governor Wamatangi's woes might be farfetched and he should tread carefully.

He said that some political players who might have lost in the 2022 election might be behind the scheme to soil his reputation.

“Wamatangi should work closely with MCAs and end unnecessary fights that might destroy his reputation," he said.

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